Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Something for Kate...finally

Happy days. I have finally finished Kate's patchwork cushion. It's based around her favourite photo of Pete, and has one simple word embroidered beneath the picture: Smile. We discussed the design together, so it won't be a shock to her when she opens her parcel once it makes its way across Bass Strait. I hope it brings a little bit of comfort and joy, as it's a reminder of what a beautiful man Pete really was. They were such a beautiful couple and made the most of the time they had together. I hope she likes it.


And a belated happy Mothers Day for Sunday to all those mums out there celebrating last Sunday. I had a superb day, with beautiful cards made at Playschool by Romily (she made three and kept them well hidden during the week - I had a whole week of not being able to look 'in certain places'!!), and an over-the-top present from Carl on behalf of the kids - a Kenwood K-Mix! I was over the moon. I had mentioned to him that I'd love a new mixer one day, as my old mixer, which my mum bought for me nearly 20 years ago, just couldn't cut the mustard any more...actually it couldn't cut butter, but that would be a mixed metaphor. ANYWAY, here is a pic of the K-Mix. New York Cheesecake, here we come (it came complete with recipe cards!).After breakfast we headed out into the countryside south of Canberra, where there's a great adventure playground at the Cotter Reserve. Romily had a great time and found lots of other kids to play with. Tristan played on his mat and managed to find several leaves to try to eat. It was a gorgeous day and lovely to all be together outside in the fresh autumn air. Then we headed to the space tracking station at Tidbinbilla for lunch. Just past the tracking station we spotted a mob of kangaroos and a flock (?) of emus grazing in a large grassy area - we stopped for a couple of photos before Romily worked out the fence in these photos actually had a charge running through it. Poor thing got a zap off the fence - thank god it was low voltage. We couldn't belive there were no safety signs on the fence, but as we drove off down the road we spotted some. We had managed to pull up at the only section of fencing that had none...

Both kids fell asleep on the way home, which made a perfect end to the day. Well almost, for dinner I had my all-time favourite: roast chicken with roasted root vegetables and gravy. See, I'm a simple girl at heart!


Don't forget! My 400 posts giveaway finishes on Thursday.


One more thing. Romily had surgery yesterday to have her adenoids removed. She was such a little trooper, did everything the nurses and doctors asked her to do, climbed up on the operating table without any fuss, breathed in the gas without any fear and recovered quietly and peacefully over the next couple of hours. Poor thing had a chuck in the car on the way home, but immediately felt right as rain. Of course, I was the one who shed a quiet couple of tears at seeing my beautiful girl unconscious in theatre, but that's completely normal :)

I'm so proud of her. She listened and understood everything that was going on and accepted it all with grace.

She, now, of course, is getting a bit frustrated at not being able to run, hop or skip for the next week or so, but we have lots of 'slow activities' to keep us going. First cab off the rank is to make 'Huppa' (my Dad) a birthday card for next week out of some beautiful autumn leaves that we collected and pressed last week.


  1. It never fails to surprise me that as we are passing from winter into spring you are doing the opposite and heading into autumn - each year around this time my simple brain is surprised by autumnal photos on all the Australian blogs - glad Romily came through the surgery okay - sounds like some 'us time' with mummy will be just the recovery she needs

  2. I think it's wonderful gift for your friend.

    Gosh, what a shock (pun not intended) for Romily and you! And glad to hear that all went well with Romily's surgery too.

  3. Oh poor little mite. Adenoids and electric shock all within the same week.

    She's a lot stronger than I!

    Love that hay stack (I assume it is?).

  4. Glad to hear Romily's surgery went smoothly! I am sure Kate will love her cushion - such a beautiful gift.

    Glad you had such a wonderful Mothers Day - love the new mixer - no doubt you will be cooking up a storm in next to no time.

  5. at our place we call them a mob of emus........to me flock sounds delicate and they definitely aren't.....lol........
    poor Romily won't be the first or last person to be hit by an electric fence......mine both have but they are very caucious after that........it is more the shcok of it happening then the electric shock........
    and pleased all went well for Romily in the op.......

  6. Glad you got the cushion finished Lily - can't have been an easy project to do.

    Poor Romily, she's had a rough couple of days.
    Glad to hear all went well for the op and now you can break out the craft supplies!
    Take care.

  7. Firstly, well done on the cushion; I can see why it would have been confronting to make, but it's come out really well. I like the choice of Paula Nadelstern backing, too. Secondly, Wow! Cotter looks different! I haven't been there since about 2001. And finally, hugs and well done to Romily for getting through the shock and the surgery so well.

  8. Cushion looks like it will be a well loved gift! And your photos are fabulous, what a glorious day you had!

    Visiting from Spring Blooms Mini Quilt Swap!


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