Friday, May 15, 2009

We have a winner!

Congratulations Margaret! You have been chosen as the lucky winner of my giveaway, being commenter number 18 out of 27. Please email me your postal address. I know you have mine! It's funny that Margaret is going to receive the doll quilt - she's the hostess with the mostest for the Four Seasons Quilt Swap :)

Sorry I can't upload a picture of the doll quilt Margaret's receiving, but our computer has had a complete meltdown, aka "Blue Screen". A tech is coming this afternoon - let's hope he can fix it. I have an assignment I need to get cracking on, not to mention that the computer is my lifeline to the outside world! Hopefully I'll be able to load a pic over the weekend. (I am currently working on our old and very dodgy laptop that's missing a shift key and has no USB capability, so I can't download my photos, etc.)


Apart from the PC malfunction all is okay here. Tristan has another cold and had conjunctivitis (gone now), but that's par for the course at this time of the year. Romily is doing extremely well. You'd never know she's had an operation this week. It's really hard to keep her quiet, because she feels normal. I'll let her off the leash a little next week :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, wow, 400 posts!! well done!
    Pleased your girl is coping so well after the adenouds, is the breathing going well now??
    I love the pics of them together on the quilts, I have so many happy photos of my two like that!
    I can't believe Tristan is so big already, that time has flown!! great job with th play mat, very cute!!
    That cushion will be a beautiful keep ske, but I can understand the struggle to get it done, great job Lily!!
    Cheers, tracey


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