Thursday, May 07, 2009

400th post giveaway!

I can't quite believe that I've made 400 posts to this little blog of mine. To celebrate, I'm having a giveaway. Leave a comment before 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time on 14 May and you'll be in the running for a secret surprise!


Good news: hard work pays off. I received 90% for my paper. Too bad it is only worth 20% of the overall mark! Now for the second paper, due in three weeks - this one's worth 40%. Let's hope I can do as well.


And in crafty news, I've finally made a start on a long-promised cushion cover for my friend Kate, whose beloved husband died in November 2007. It's a photo cushion and I've found it very hard to get started. I keep putting it off for some reason - it's very confronting having his face staring up at me from my table, now that it's printed out on fabric. I need to get this finished and sent down to Kate. She has forgiven me so far for being so tardy in making it, but I feel terrible for not making it sooner. I had better go and get it finished then, instead rambling on in here!


  1. Gosh Lily - I'm first to comment - so unusual for me at the moment as I don't seem to get round everyone like I used to - congrats for 400 post and good luck with the cushion, I can imagine stitching something with such a a strong reminder of an absent friend would be very difficult but I'm sure she will appreciate it :o)

  2. 400! Well done Lily! Well done on that 90% too!!! Excellent result!

  3. Great work on your assignment Lily
    Count me in for you giveway...can't wait to see what it is!

  4. Congratulations on 400 posts! Love the idea of a rememberance pillow - such a thoughtful gift.

  5. great job on your paper, keep it up!
    400 posts, thats amazing!!!!
    working on that pillow has to be hard, but think of the Joy and comfort it will bring your friend.
    thats how I would get thru making it.

  6. Congrats on the 400 posts!!! Hope the kiddies are better soon. Well done on the paper to 90% woohoo!!!

  7. Yay on the 90%. A big congrats on the 400th post as well.

  8. Congrats - on the 90 and on 400!!

  9. congrats on 400 posts.........well done..........

  10. Congrats on the 400 posts Lily & great news on the result :)

  11. Congratulations Lily, 400 posts is a huge milestone! I've enjoyed catching up with your lovely blog and seeing all those gorgeous pics of Tristan and Romy, I can't believe how big Tristan is and how much hair he has (Owen is still pretty bald!)
    Well done on the essay too, it sounds like a challenging course.
    I'm still keen to catch up one day soon, but just waiting for the dust to settle after going back to work part time - at the moment life feels completely chaotic!

  12. Well done on your 400th post .... I've been reading your Blog since your mountain posts - you had me hooked and I haven't stopped.

    Congrats on your great mark!

    You will show a photo for the cushion - won't you?

  13. Congrats on the great mark and the 400 post.

  14. Well done on reaching 400 posts, your blog is always an enjoyable read! And congratulations on receiving 90%!

  15. Congratulations Lily, 90% is a lot!!

    And so are 400 posts! I always enjoy reading them!!!

  16. Well done on reaching 400 posts! And fantastic news on the result.

  17. Congrats ... 400 WOW that's a big number.

  18. Congratulations!!!

  19. BillyBoy8:22 am

    You go big sis!

    Not looking for a prize here, but always happy reading your posts - all 400 of them! :)

  20. Way to go, I hope I win, anything from you would be wonderful.

  21. Congrats all round Lily - the posts and the exam.
    Hope you get that WIP done soon.

  22. Lauren8:50 pm

    Congratulations Lily on your 400th post and also your 90% on your essay!
    How fast is Tristan growing up, don't you reckon the 2nd child grows up so much fast... Way too fast!

  23. I love your blog, and have you on a reader. Love watching the children grow, they are cute darlings.

    Congrats on your 400th post and your grade on your paper!

    Please add my name to your drawing.

  24. Mirjam4:44 am

    Congrats on 400 Posts, who knows maybe you get 400 comments for it too!
    Well done on the 90% you are a genius with all the duties you juggle.

    i am surprised on how well you always fit all the crafty stuff in, and eventhough it is 18mths later, it is a wonderful gift you do for your friend. i am sure she will appreciate it a lot, esp. that long after he passed away and everyone moved on with life, but she is still grieving.
    You are a dear friend.

  25. Congratulations on your 400th post. That's great!!!

  26. Congratulations Lily! I love reading your blog - and we should catch up sometime soon :)

  27. Hello Superstar! Yes, that's you! Not only did you make it to 400 posts (hello!) but such great marks as well...yep, you are a Superstar! Congratulations!

    Visiting from Spring Blooms Mini Quilt Swap!


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