Saturday, October 04, 2008

October is Pink Ribbon month

Those of you who have been reading this blog for some time know that I support breast cancer research - having a strong family history of breast cancer on both sides (both grandmothers who did not survive and an aunt on each side who both have survived), I was shocked to learn how little the government provides for research into treatment and prevention for this insidious disease.

So, every year, when Pink Ribbon Day (now part of Breast Cancer Month) rolls around, I do my little bit. We don't have a lot of spare cash these days, so my little bit is quite small. But I can raise awareness through this post and encourage you to donate or buy something from the Pink Ribbon Shop.

The picture shows what I've ordered. Too bad they don't make kids stuff. I would have probably ordered more!

All well here. Mum and Dad left yesterday and I was sad to see them go. I wish we lived closer...

My essay is due Tuesday at 9am, so I'd better get my head down and tail up and GET IT DONE! Then onto some more fun stuff :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. I bought some stuff in our Dutch Pink Ribbon shop.
    I’m sorry your family is a big victim is this desease.
    I’m sorry to hear your government provides so little for research.

    Normally there is a lot of attention in the media for breast-cander awareness month in Holland, but all we seem to think and be busy about these days are global financial problems. Yesterday our government took over one the Belgian/Dutch banks who was almost bankrupt. This to avoid financial chaos in our country.

    Good luck with your essay!


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