Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Grandma's visit

Grandma is visiting and she's having a great time with Romily and Tristan. She arrived last Tuesday and is here till Friday. It's been wonderful having her here - an extra set of hands to hold a bub or another captive audience member for Romily's antics. She's also vacuumed, folded clothes, ironed, done lots of dishwashing, etc. Nothing like having your mum around! I'm so pleased she could come for a good length of time to see her gorgeous Canberra grandkiddies. She has four more grandsons in Melbourne, whom she sees far more often, so we're very happy to have her here. Dad flies up from Melbourne on Thursday and will head back down the Hume Highway with Mum on Friday afternoon. A short visit for him, but blokes don't tend to find 6 week old bubs quite so swoon-worthy!Tristan is doing very well indeed. He is starting to stretch out his feeds to 3-4 hours, and is still sleeping a lot. He's growing right before our eyes. I took him to be weighed and measured yesterday (5 1/2 weeks). Here are his stats (birth stats in brackets):
Weight: 4.755kg (3.580kg)
Length: 56cm (51.5cm)
Head circumference: 38.5cm (36.5cm)
Not bad! It's gratifying to see where all that breast milk is going!!

Precious little crafting is going on here - although Grandma is doing a very cool embroidery for a cushion. I did cut out some fabric for a jacket for Rom, but that's about as far as I've got in the past week.

I did finish the top for Marina's quilt, which is now waiting to be sandwiched. I have to get an essay done first (it's due next Tuesday)...drudge, drudge!
I also have to get moving on my EB Quilter's doll quilt for the swap - it's due to be sent by the end of October, so I have a month. I've got a good idea of what I want to do, so it's a matter of working it out, getting hold of the fabric and getting it done. Sounds simple! Now I just have to find the time...


  1. That little boy is going to break a lot of hearts when he's grown up! Gorgeous eyes.

  2. Swoon-worthy just about sums him up - what a cutie!

  3. Love the strippy quilt top too btw :o)

  4. So cute! Great quilt but it's outshone by the baby - as it should be!

  5. Grandparents are the greatest aren't they! - Your mum looks so much like Romily too. Tristan is so beautiful and alert, it is wonderful seeing him grow so quickly.

  6. Tristan is changing already - he no longer has that new-born look to him. Love the photo of Grandma and her 2 little ones!

  7. Tristan is cuter than ever, and all that hair! All my babies were bald until at least one year. Romily looks very happy to have Nana there.

  8. *squeals*

    Look at all that hair! He's totally adorable. Can't wait to meet him in person. xxx kate


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