Wednesday, October 08, 2008

For my mum

This post is for my mum, who was horrified that I'd posted a photo of her sans make-up and without her hair done for all the world to see! I told her that all the world would see a happy grandma with her two gorgeous grandkids (still in the pyjamas), but she still wasn't thrilled...muahahaha!

Anyhoo, as I mentioned in said post, the only crafting going on around here over the past two weeks was Grandma's. Here's what she was working on while she was here. This is an embroidery sampler she's made, which will become a groovy cushion. I think it's fabulous. A close-up is below.Although saying Grandma was the only crafty one wasn't strictly true. Romily is still loving chopping bits of paper up and sticking them randomly in her drawing you can see!
And to make amends, here are some photos of Grandma (this time with hair done and make-up on - better Mum?!!)
And with Huppa and Romily just before Grandma and Huppa made the 8-hour journey back to Melbourne.
Thanks again mum for all your help during your much-appreciated visit. It helped a lot. I was also very happy that you got some extended one-on-one time with your newest grandson.

Here are a few gratuitous pictures of Tristan - including a bone fide smile :)
(Romily thinks he looks like a super hero with arms akimbo like in this photo!)

And, yes, the essay was done in time, although I don't think it'll be an award winner. Carl did read it and I was pleased to learn it did hang together okay!

So, now onto Marina's quilt, which I have to finish by Sunday night. On, on!


  1. How cute is that little guy! Love his adorable smile, and he looks like he's cheering in the superbaby shot. Well done on getting the essay done on time.

  2. That superhero shot is to die for - simply adorable! and your mum's cushion is lovely too

  3. Superhero! Of course - he just needs a Spidey outfit. Your Mum's cushion is gorgeous and you're right ..... we were looking at the wonderful Grandma and her precious little ones .... and not her hair and makeup.

  4. Your Mum's cushion is lovely. Tristan knows when to pose! That photo is great.

  5. Fabulous embroidery, your mum is very clever indeed. That photo of Tristan smiling is just heartwarming - nothing like those first smiles!

  6. Wow, that sampler is amazing! Your boy is as adorable as ever, too!

  7. How did you get such a vain mum? Thanks Daughter. These photos are much more flattering. The photos of a smiling little Tris are wonderful. He is a beautiful little bub and that's not just because I am a biased grandma.

  8. It;s funny, I am a photo fusspot like your Mum, but thionk she looks equally as gorgeous in th eearlier pic...and thought at the time what good genes you had inherited!
    -and my Mum would have made me do the same thing!
    well done on the essay-and to be patching as well! Tracey

  9. Oh dear, reminder to self, look at your typos before you put press publish!!! Apologies!

  10. Oh wow - love the embroidery that your mum worked on while with you. She is very talented - love the colours on the black. And lol at her getting upset about the undressed photos - my mum would have said the same thing (but would have made me delete them!) And look at how your two little ones are growing - gorgeous.

  11. Anonymous2:40 pm

    Love that last photo of Tristan.
    And the embroidery is pretty stunning also.


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