Monday, October 13, 2008

A finish! Marina's Midwest Modern Quilt

I finished sewing on the label of the quilt I made for Romily's old playgroup leader at 9am this morning and we presented it to Marina at 9.30am! Nothing like a deadline to get me moving. She said she was all teary when she opened it because she loved it and the gesture behind it. Isn't it wonderful to have someone who's not a quilter appreciate all the work that goes into it. She said she loved the fabrics and I made my first photo label (after loudly cursing the manufacturers of the printable fabric sheets when the backing would not peel off and I had to scrape it off under water) with a picture of Romily in the play ground at her last playgroup session. Marina was stoked. It was well worth staying up till 1am to get it finished!(For some reason Blogger is uploading this photo on its side...)

I'm quite happy with the quilt, although my machine quilting leaves a lot to be desired. I am truly hopeless at basting and it got a bit bunchy in the middle. Thankfully only fellow quilters scrutinise such things! I am going to have to get better at basting. I think more practice is in order. The finished quilt measures 41" x 44" and was made mostly from Amy Butler Midwest Modern fabrics.

Romily had a great morning at playschool - no tears, no dramas. What a relief! We thought she would be okay, but you never can be sure. Tristan and I had a nice time cruising around at the local shopping centre. I had a lovely, uninterrupted hot chocolate and an apple slice. I am enjoying having a portable, mostly undemanding baby while I can!


  1. Great work Lily! Your label looks perfect. I sympathise on the paper peeling issues - it's infuriating!

  2. Lily, its all happening in your house! An uninterrupted hot chocolate and a beautiful finished quilt! Well done, it is stunning! Glad she liked it and appreciated it.

  3. Such a simple design, but it shows off the fabrics beautifully. I might have to borrow the idea if that's okay - everyone keeps spitting out babies around me and I have so many gifts to make... This should be nice and quick to piece together.

  4. Just beautiful! I love its simplicity. The label is fab! I like to use photos in my quilts as well, even if it is just a small picture on the label.

  5. An uninterrupted hot chocolate!!!! You should have photographed it so that you can remind yourself that these moments do happen. I am sure Romily will love playschool (pre-school?) and it will give you and T some lovely time together. Your quilt looks great and I love that you added a photo of your beautiful girl.

  6. Oh, I really like this--could be used with so many styles of fabrics.
    Great quilt!


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