Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Guzzle guts

Hello! We are still alive and well and all is going very well with my two children :)

I haven't been online much this week though - our computer blew up last week! I was upstairs trying to have a kip when I heard 'crack, bang, CRACK' reverberate up through the floor. I leapt out of bed and ran downstairs to find out what had happened. I came into the 'office' (spare bedroom which also houses our computer and peripherals) and there stood a dazed Carl standing in a room that smelt like gunpowder. Turns out that the power supply had exploded when he tried to turn the computer on. We were unable to have it looked at until Saturday, when the technician was visiting Canberra for personal reasons. Let this be a lesson to us to arrange for local technical support next time! It was all very exciting at the time. Fortunately we lost no data!

However, being unsure when our pc would resume operations, I had to rewrite my assignment, which was due today, from scratch. Not so easy when you're sleep deprived! Fortunately I could remember most of it and had taken plenty of long-hand notes, so it wasn't too bad, and I submitted it in time. I don't think I'll repeat the excellent results I achieved for the first assessment, but it should rate a pass!
On to more beautiful things - Tristan continues to thrive. We had our home visit today from the maternal and child health nurse, who checked him out from head to toe and declared him a very healthy little bub. He is still slightly jaundiced, but only a little. That will continue to clear over the coming days, as he's feeding like an absolute champion!

In fact, he's feeding so well that he's already above his birth weight. Not bad going for a 12-day old baby :)

He's also settled into a most welcome nighttime feeding pattern - waking around 1-2 am and then again at 4-5am. He then sleeps till around 9am! What a star! It means I can just about cope and am nowhere near as zombie-like as I was with Romily. Makes a big difference - especially when you have an overexcited 3 year old in the house!

Romily is just wonderful with Tristan. She is so gentle. She, of course, has turned into a sneaky little devil around Carl and I - getting up to all kinds of mischief - mostly involving playing with water in the downstairs bathroom...BUT I would much rather her acting up be directed towards Carl and I than Tristan. I am learning not to lose my temper with her, which is causing her to be even more sneaky - I'm just trying to head her off at the pass and distract her with less messy pursuits! It's been a huge couple of weeks for Rom - Carl also went back to work yesterday, so her world really has been turned inside out. She's actually coping remarkably well!

Of course nothing remotely crafty is going on in this house, but I hope that will change over the next week or so, as things start to settle down. I did manage to slip into my favourite fabric shop yesterday, as I owe a birthday FQ to one of the girls in my online quilting group (sorry Kylie!). While there, I managed to pick up some 30cm strips for two lap quilts I want to make - one for my father-in-law's companion, who's recovering slowly from major abdominal surgery, and one for Romily's playgroup teacher - Rom's going up to 3yo playschool next term and I thought it might be nice to give Marina a parting gift, as she's been really good with Romily.

I'm going to use the same Denyse Schmidt pattern I used for the table runner I made for mum for Mother's Day, so both lap quilts should come together really quickly. I hope!

I hope you're all well out there in blog land - I'll eventually get onto Bloglines and manage to catch up with all your news! And thanks again for all the lovely comments on the arrival of Tristan :) You really are the loveliest bunch of ladies!


  1. That young man is seriously gorgeous - he has a look of 'I've been here before' Amazing the change in him in just 12 days and you all sound to be settling in so well. Your coping tactics with Romily's behaviour sound just right - it will pass

  2. Just beautiful Lily...hope they both contiune to be good for you!

  3. Romily will get over it. As you said - 2 big changes in 2 weeks - but you're doing the right thing.

    Oh my. Your little Tristan is going to be one handsome fella and hasn't he grown!

  4. It sounds like you are enjoying your children, Tristan does sound like a wonderful sleeper, I'm very jealous ;)

  5. Tristan looks gorgeous Lily! He really has grown a lot!

    Enjoy your family!

  6. You have a beautiful baby there and I'm glad to hear that he's sleeping so well. Good luck with all the adjustments when you add to the family.

  7. Well isn't Tristan a handsome little devil?! Just gorgeous, really, like his sis and his parents!

    So glad Carl wasn't hurt...the explosion sounds really scary. Glad you are back to posting again...

  8. pleased to hear things are going well with Tristan.........take care.....

  9. Congratulations on the new boy - he is gorgeous!

  10. He is a beautiful, beautiful boy! Romily is acting as new big sisters act, they think they need attention also even though she is probably getting more then her fair share. It is natural. take care of your beautiful family.

  11. congratulations!!!Oh my I feel terrible as I've been in my own baby bubble and totally forgot to check out your baby news! he is so beautiful and i just adore his little crop of hair...or big crop of hair!!!!!! well done and he looks sooooo cute!

    and wow on the crafting!



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