Sunday, September 07, 2008

Best dressed boy in town and Happy Father's Day to Carl

Tristan is certainly going to be the best-dressed boy in town! He has been well and truly spoiled with lots of lovely outfits. Look what arrived in the mail from Little Starfish! Isn't it gorgeous? I can't wait for the warmer weather and when he's a bit bigger to show this gorgeous onesie off. Thank you Gabrielle - you are very kind!And my auntie sent me this adorable little outfit - Tristan wore it today for our Father's Day outing today (life's tough when you're a baby, isn't it?). Romily, Tristan and I took Carl out to his favourite cafe for brunch, which was very nice (apart from the useless idiot taking our order - he managed to muck it up three times! But the manager stepped in and helped to put things to rights - somewhat redeeming the newish cafe's reputation!!). Then Carl went and did the grocery shopping and had some much deserved time out. Yes, grocery shopping on Father's Day - he really is a wonderful man :) Happy Father's Day to my gorgeous husband.

I made some brownies for playgroup tomorrow - that was the big achievement for today! I seem to spend most of my day either feeding Tristan or cuddling him. No wonder I don't get much else done! But, as we know, that's the most important thing I need to do every day. That and give Romily as much attention as I can. She's got a bit of a cold at the moment - caught from her dad, who managed to catch it on his very first day at work - )it didn't show up until Thursday, but we are attributing it to being back in airconditioning again!) so Romily needs a bit of extra TLC at the moment. She's settled down into the new regime pretty quickly, so we are feeling very blessed right now.

Anyway, enough rambling. Time to go wake up the sleepy baby for a feed before hitting the hay for the night.


  1. Sorry about the colds in your house - that's no fun! What cute little outfits for your little man. Hugs for all of you and especially for Romily.


  2. I love that photo - he is so gorgeous.

    Oh poor Romily. Give her a hug from me.

  3. He's looking great!
    You picked the husband well-you enjoy this time of feeding and cuddling, it goes too quick! Tracey


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