Monday, August 25, 2008

Introducing Master Tristan

Thank you all for your lovely comments!

We are home and he is beautiful. All is well.
Unfortunately I didn't get the spontaneous labour I was hoping for! I went in to hospital on Thursday morning, had my waters broken at about 8.30am, and despite Carl and I going for lots of walks (and me having waters gushing every where), absolutely NOTHING was happening. At 11.30am I was hooked up to a drip and the midwives started a low dose of syntocinin. They kept increasing the dose until, finally, at 3pm I was officially in labour. After two hours of increasingly rapid and painful contractions I was checked and the midwife and I were both dismayed to discover that there had been no progress whatsoever.

At this point I decided it was time for an epidural and the midwife and my doctor agreed. At 5.30pm the anaesthetist arrived and delivered the blissful relief I needed. After another two hours I was checked again and had dilated from 2cm to 8cm! The doctor was called and told to get there quickly as this baby was coming out!

As soon as my obstetrician arrived he did another examination and found I was fully dilated. At this stage the baby's heartbeat started dipping and dropping erratically, so it was decided that they'd need to speed things up and get him out of there ASAP. So poor little Tristan was assisted out with a vacuum extraction after only 10 minutes of pushing. A very speedy arrival in the end!And yes, at 7 pounds 14 ounces he was smaller than we thought! But still a good size and absolutely divine...of course, I am completely biased, but he is a beautiful bub.

He has a bit of jaundice, but that will disappear over the next few days. He's a champion feeder and I have more milk than he can handle! He's a lovely, lovely boy. Here are some more photos, because I can't get enough of him and everyone loves a newborn bubba!
With Grandma, Huppa (my parents) and of course his very proud big sister Romily:And finally, a big thanks to mum & dad for coming up from Melbourne and looking after Romily for the entire day on Thursday! We're also looking forward to Carl's dad arriving in a few weeks time to meet his much longed for grandson.

All is well with the world :)


  1. Welcome Tristan!
    He's gorgeous Lily! Keep those photos coming!

  2. What a beautiful boy Lily! It’s wonderful to see your parents and Romily holding Tristan!

    Congratulations again to you all!

  3. Ohh, he's gorgeous! Congratulations to all the family!

  4. Congrat's Lily, he is a divine bubba!

  5. Awwwwww Lily! He is beautiful! Makes me want to have another! :)

  6. I too will say awwwww. He is gorgeous. And you are right, everyone loves newborn pics. Keep them coming!

  7. Congratulations Lily - he is just divine. Enjoy your babymoon :)

  8. Thankyou thankyou thankyou for posting pictures!! :)

    My littlest nephew!!! Woopdewhoopp!!

    Give him a big hug for me Sis! I'll get up to see him as soon as possible!

    Love to you all~!

  9. He is a sweetheart, Lily! Thanks for posting all the wonderful pictures. He's perfect and adorable! Take care :o)

  10. Anonymous9:00 pm

    He's absolutely divine! What a gorgeous looking boy. PLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEEEE bring him into work for lots and lots of cuddles. The girls will be so jealous that I've seen photo's of him! Well done Lorraine, he's beautiful.

  11. So beautiful, well done! Gosh you forget how little newborns are, he looks so tiny when his big sister is cuddling him :) My DD is 4 and my DS is 1, and they play together beautifully and just love each other so much, you have so much fun in store!

  12. he is beautiful........pleased you are both home and all is well........

  13. He is absolutely gorgeous. He looks like a very calm happy baby and nice to see that Romily is so happy with him. Congratulations.

  14. Lovely, lovely, lovely Lily!! He's adorable. Congratulations again - and keep the photo's coming - what is it about little babies that makes us all melt!

  15. Oh what a sweetie pie! In the first photo there are definitely hints of Romily. Love all the photos but especially the one with his big sister. I have one just like that ....

  16. Lily - he is GORGEOUS!!! - makes me almost broody myself! Good on the milk production and excellent start to feeding - that will show the jaundice the door. Romily looks the proud big sister. Take it easy as much as a new mum can - and let everyone who volunteers to help do so - it's harder work second time around with a toddler in tow too.

  17. Lily, he is just soo gorgeous.
    Congratulations and welcome to little Tristan.

    Off to sit in the corner get cluck :)

  18. He's just lovely!

  19. Wonderful! We LOVE those new baby photos, so keep them coming. I must say that Romily looks thrilled and photos of new babies with their siblings are some of my favourite photos ever. Congrats!

  20. Oh my, he is beautiful Lily!!!!
    Congratulations again. I love the photo of Romily holding her little brother, how very pleased does she look!

  21. Lily - what a beautiful, beautiful boy. I love the 3rd photo and Romily looks sooo chuffed!

    Keep those photos coming.

  22. Congratulations, he is absolutely gorgeous

  23. Oh Lily! He is soooo cute! Congratulations again, and enjoy those newborn cuddles!

  24. congratulations and thanks for the pics - he is sweet

  25. Welcome to the world, Tristan! And aren't you a gorgeous little bubs!

    Congrats to all...and thanks, Lily, for posting the wonderful pics!

  26. What a darling precious little guy! Congratulations to you and the rest of your family. As I was thinking about finally having time to catch up on blog reading one of my first thoughts was of you and whether or not he'd arrived.

  27. Oh, I checked and checked on Thursday, then life got hectic and here i see the big news!!
    Congratulations, he's stunning, no newbabyitis there, gorgeous from the very beginning!
    Is the Tristan because you are a Tristan and Iseult legend fan, or simply a Tristan fan-or perhaps Tristan out of All creatures great and small?.
    I am big on the legend, to the extent there are about 7 books on it in my library-at least you know there are books available with his name in them!!
    Have fun, Tracey

  28. Tristan is soooooooo beautiful, and that photo with Romy holding him makes me teary - so thrilled for all of you!! Huge congratulations and well done Lily!

  29. Welcome Tristan, may yoru life be healthy and wonderful with Love

    Congratulations with your beautiful son!


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