Sunday, September 21, 2008

One month old!

I can't quite believe it, but Tristan is one month old today. Here he is, on the gorgeous Winter's Garden quilt my online quilting group made for, him!

Time has flown by and he's growing by the day - I'm about to 'retire' his newborn size clothes (0000 or 55cm for Nicolette!) and break out the 000's (62cm).

He's such a good little fella. Eating (drinking) very well, although still chucking up far more than his mummy appreciates, and sleeping very well. He's in a great night sleeping pattern, only waking twice a night still, which I can just about handle! Romily is still delighted with him, and is the ideal big sister (so far). She's also settled into our new routine very well. Carl took her to her first 'big girl' swimming lesson yesterday - up until now she's had him in the pool with her. As of yesterday, she's in the water all by herself (and very proud of herself too!). I went shopping with Tristan - it was nice to have some one-on-one time with my little man :)

Tomorrow is her last session at playgroup - it's the end of term break-up, so a big morning tea is on the cards. We put down cupcakes for the food we'd bring. We had a lot of fun making and decorating them today!
Romily, of course, loves to lick the spoon :)

I also got the borders on Marina's quilt this afternoon - it looks great. I'll blog it in the next day or two. I haven't had a chance to photograph it yet.

I can't quite believe it's Sunday night. The days when Carl is home go all too quickly! I hope you all have a lovely week.


  1. What a big boy already! And both very cute I might add.

  2. Enjoy, time flies!
    The Winter Garden quilt is gorgeous and so are your two cute kids!

    Thanks for the metric explanation!!

  3. Both the kids are gorgeous! I love that pic with Tristan lying on it.

  4. A month already, hard to beleive Lily.
    What a couple of cuties your two are. My little Miss is into 00 now at 8 weeks!

  5. Wow, that went quickly! Are you doing monthly photos on the quilt, too? I love the idea of putting the cupcakes in a bowl for children to sprinkle!

  6. A month already? I can't believe it either! What a precious little guy he is! And what a wonderful quilt they made him!

  7. So cute Lily...he looks so grown up!

  8. A month already?! That has zoomed by, he looks so cute on that quilt. :)

  9. What beautiful photos - I can't believe it's a month already, that's amazing! Glad it is all going so well.

  10. great quilt-and baby! That was a quick month, I lovely pics just the same with my girl lying on the quilt next to her brother, priceless, Tracey


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