Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Winter's Garden wow

You know those days when you're feeling a little down and sorry for yourself? And then something magical happens to pick you right back up again? Today was one of those days!

I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and they are getting stronger and stronger - to the point where you just feel like death warmed up. I had an appointment with my obstetrician this morning and he 'had a look' at how things were going - he thinks at least another two weeks to go (at least with all these practice contractions, the labour should be a little more straightforward this time!). This, on top of general '38-weeks and over it', was enough for me to throw a little pitty party. But then I remembered I had two parcel dockets and so headed to the post office on my way back from my appointment.

One was expected - a slow cooker I ordered using my Fly Buys points (which means I got it for free, having accumulated the points from grocery and petrol purchases), which I'm planning to use extensively while the weather's still cold and I'm still in 'oh my god I've got a newborn, a toddler and have had no sleep' phase. I'm going to make chilli con carne later this week to test it out :)
Winter's Garden
The second, was most unexpected and all the more exciting for having received. The lovely, lovely, thoughtful and generous girls in my online quilting group got together and made a quilt for the baby! It's absolutely stunning and I absolutely love it. Romily and Carl both oohed and aahed over it too. What an amazing thing to do. I am totally overwhelmed!
Winter's Garden, photo by Romily

Thank you AJ, Bee, Cylie, Helen, Joy, Kylie, Leah, Mands, Xena and especially Emma, who did all the organising, the construction and the quilting, all the while managing several commissions, a one year old and a toddler. You truly are amazing.
Funny Face, photo by Lily (at the instance of her highness)


  1. Wow, what a lovely gesture from your quilting friends. I used to not like green but it has slowly grown on me in recent times and I have to say that green themed quilt is gorgeous. You lucky girl!

  2. Such a lovely thing for the ladies to do for you! The quilt is beautiful!!! I know how you feel, I was the same way with my last one.

  3. Enjoy it, we're glad you like it! It's always a pleasure to sew for someone who appreciates it :)

  4. The quilt is truly gorgeous. Lucky baby. Lucky Mum.

  5. What a beautiful gift! My prayers are with you and your family as you start your countdown to a new precious one.

  6. Sounds like it arrived with perfect timing! Happy to help for soemone so appreciative :)

  7. You are welcome! Hope that it will wrap you and bubby in love.
    Mands xx

  8. wow! your quilt is just beautiful - lucky baby. All the very best for surviving the next two weeks. I do sympathise with you having done it three times myself. It will be over soon and then they grow up so quickly.

    All the best and can't wait to hear your fabulous news.

  9. stick with it you only have 16 days to go...........lol.........


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