Monday, July 21, 2008

The countdown is on

Well, we've made it to 37 weeks and all is well. I'm hoping to see out this week at work, have a week to 10 days at home and then Bub #2 is all clear to make his grand entrance!
Here's a photo from last weekend - 36 weeks - sorry for the blurry pic...

We had a lovely weekend this one just past, with my father-in-law up from Bendigo for the weekend. It was lovely to see him with his granddaughter.

No sewing to speak of...just too tired! I'm taking it easy until bubs arrives, so there won't be much progress on the crafty front unless I get a burst of energy from somewhere!


  1. Oh My Goddddddddd. Lets hope it soon.

  2. That’s some wonderful belly Lily!!
    Take care!

  3. Oh!!!! How exciting!!!! I bet you just can't wait!!! Can't wait to see the new baby! Take care and keep us updated!

  4. oh your belly looks lovely! I know what you mean about the energy....getting the house tidy and a little person dressed each morning has me exhausted and on the couch!

    lets see who goes first.....I have 12 days to go.....



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