Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hooray for maternity leave

Well I am enjoying not going to work! I finished up last Friday and have been taking it relatively easy, sleeping with Romily in the afternoons when I feel like it and getting some study done for uni - yes, I am studying one unit by distance this semester - it's the first unit towards a degree in management studies, which will take about three years part-time.

Today I took myself off to the movies and saw Mamma Mia - it was lots of fun, but I did find myself getting teary half-way through during one of the Abba numbers! I blame it on the pregnancy hormones, but it was a song about watching your kids growing up and then letting them go, wondering where the time went. Romily is three on Tuesday, so I guess I've been thinking along these lines already. But who would've thought I'd cry during Mamma Mia? Meryl Streep has that effect on me apparently - I cried and cried in Bridges of Madison County. She is a wonderful actress - and has a pretty good voice too! We won't talk about Pierce Brosnan's singing though...!

Yesterday Carl and I took Romily to 'Kids Rampage' - an indoor play centre for 1-5 year olds - and she had a great time climbing through all the nets, etc. She loved the ball pit, as you can see.We went to our favourite chocolate shop - Bruno's Truffels - on the way home, stopping there for lunch (alas not of chocolate). We each selected one 'special chocolate' and ate them in the car on the way home. Romily also loved her chocolate, as you can also see from this photo of a very happy girl!I made Carl take some photos of me too - I won't be pregnant for much longer and I'm trying to enjoy it, as it's definitely the last time for me. There's nothing quite like having another human being inside you. And you forget it so quickly after the birth.
Romily also took some photos - it's very interesting to see the world through a nearly 3yo's lens. Here's one of Carl.No sewing getting done here, but I have submitted my first assignment today, so that's given me a bit of breathing space to do some sewing over the weekend. Hopefully I'll have something to show for it early next week. And then it's on to making cupcakes for Romily to take to playgroup on Monday (I bought packet mixes, should be nice and easy now that we have had our oven repaired!) and then her birthday cake for Tuesday. I caved in to her repeated requests for an Iggle Piggle cake - if you don't know who Iggle Piggle is, don't ask! Trust me, you do not want to know. (He's in a British show called In the Night Garden, which is completely weird and off the planet - best viewed only by toddlers!!) I'm going to attempt to make an Iggle Piggle out of royal icing - wish me luck!


  1. You look so wonderful. You have been working so long before your maternity leave. In Holland most women stop 6 to 8 weeks before the birth and they have also 8 weeks after the birth. Then it’s back to work.
    You’re so right on trying to enjoy the last steps of this pregnancy.

    Chocolate dipped Romily looks so cute! Three years old already. I’m curious to see the Iggle Piggle cake!

    And for Meryl Streep, she has the same effect on me, Bridges of Madison Square... I loved it! I still love one of her first movies The French Lieutenant’s Women with Jeremy Irons!

    Take care Lily!

  2. hooray......enjoy your fortnight.....hang in there baby.........
    and I can't wait to see Mamma Mia look great too.....
    when the kids get the camera it always amazes me what they take pics of......

  3. You're looking good. Is it true that Australia has no paid maternity leave? In Canada now they get a whole year and part of it can be paternity leave if they want. That happened after I had mine, unfortunately.

  4. You look really good. Not long to go now. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and take it easy :)

  5. Lily, you are looking fabulous! Enjoy your little bit of leave before the next little one makes his appearance .... hope he doesn't arrive early.

    Ball pits are such fun for little people and yes, it is interesting to see how our children take photos. DD loves to take photos - some are very funny and of course their choice of topic can sometimes be even funnier - eg: Dad's ear - LOL.

  6. You look fantastic. Those pictures will be treasured once bubs makes him appearance!

    Enjoy your maternity leave as I am sure the countdown will fly by!

  7. I'm dying to see Mamma Mia and loved Bridges. I heard Meryl Streep being interviewed on the radio. She said she loved doing Mamma Mia.

    Enjoy you time. Did you say way back when that you probably won't be going back to work? I seem to recall you said you and Carl are swoping.

  8. Lily you look radiant! An Iggle Piggle cake! Cool!!! Can't wait to see a photo of that! Milly loves that show too. Its just crazy!!!

  9. You look fantastic! I think I recognise those maternity jeans, they look just like the Pumpkin Patch ones I wore through my last 2 pregnancies. Enjoy these final weeks - and those afternoon naps sound diviine.

  10. Hooray! Glad you have some time to relax before the little bundle arrives. You are looking absolutely fabulous too!

  11. Congratulations , working and being pregnant is an effort. I will love to see the expressions on the face of Romily when your baby arrives. Don't miss How About You with Vanessa Redgrave and Joss Ackland, Brenda Fricker. Cheers Margaret

  12. I got teary in that part of Mama Mia too and I'm not pregnant! As everyone else has said, you look great. Enjoy your time off work and good luck with the birth :-)


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