Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My heart's desire...or...Romily is 3!

Grapping a nap beside my 2-year-old-for-one-moreday daughter yesterday, I lay there gazing at her precious little face completely mesmerised. There is nothing like watching your sleeping child to make you realise how lucky you are to be a parent. She really is an absolute delight and I could not have asked for a more wonderful daughter.

She turned three today and is having a great time being a big girl!

Yesterday we took cupcakes to playgroup - all the kids were impressed and so were their parents/grandparents, as there were enough to go around.

Romily helped to make these, although she was, of course, more interested in licking the spoon than anything else!Today she woke up as a big 3-year-old and was very excited to discover some presents awaiting her sleepy head. She loved her presents, big and small, and, most gratifyingly for her mother, loved her Iggle Piggle cake!
We also did a 'treasure hunt' in our courtyard, where she was very excited to discover bags of loot!
So, indulge her mother and look at how Romily Margaret has grown and blossomed over the past three years.
Happy birthday my darling angel Romily xxxxxx

All is well here - we're just in a holding pattern, waiting for the arrival of #2 (due on Sunday). We're staying pretty close to home and I'm resting as much as I can. He doesn't look like he's in a hurry to go anywhere - no doubt he'll make a late and fashionable arrival like his big sister! Hopefully I'll manage to get the Canberra Quilt & Craft show this weekend!


  1. Happy 3rd birthday Miss Romily! She's getting the best present ever in a few more days! A little brother! xx

  2. Happy Thrid Birthday Romily! Great costume, and great cake. She certainly is a gorgeous little girl!

  3. Ooops, that would be third!

  4. Happy birthday Romily! Hope you have a fun filled day.

    Can't believe you made the cake. Looks store bought to me :)

  5. Happy Birthday Romily!!! My firstborn turns 15 years old tomorrow - I don't seem to watch him sleep anymore - I used to - it is very special.

    Wishing you all the best for the safe arrival of #2!

  6. Happy birthday to your gorgeous daughter Romily! She is such an adorable, cute little girl!

    Totally love the cake!

    Take care Lily!

  7. Happy Birthday Romily! What a very cute little baby photo :)

  8. Happy Birthday to Romily. How fast they grow up. I can't believe my youngest baby is now 37. Enjoy them while you can!

  9. Happy Birthday Romily! I can't believe how much you've grown up in such a short space of time.

    Lily - hang on to those memories. Before you can blink she'll be off to school and starting along life's highway.

    Take care of yourself and I think you're very brave going to a quilt show over the weekend!

  10. Happy 3rd birthday Romily! Now you're all set to be a big sister :)
    I read your posts very carefully Lily and love seeing all these photos of your growing belly and gorgeous girl. Everytime I see them I imagine me on Austy's third birthday, ready to pop, just like you and hope I can manage everything at least half as well as you do. Best wishes for your fast approaching due date too! Here's hoping the birth is an easy one... no make that a MAGICAL one. Can't wait to see your new addition too.

  11. Happy birthday Romily! It looks like you had a very special day. Hopefully this last week will go smoothly and I look forward to reading that you are holding your new little bub! Retro Mummy had her twins on Monday so you girls are NOT doing good things for my cluck-factor :-)

  12. Happy Birthday Romily! Hope you have a great time!

    PS Sorry Lily but I've tagged you!

  13. Happy Birthday Romily!! I hope that you had a great day.

  14. Happy 3rd Birthday Romily :)

    Hope you had a lovely day! Love that cake Lily - looks like I have a few more years ahead of me of enjoying the wonderful world of In the night garden (insert rolling eyes here!)

    Good luck with the birth!

  15. Gorgeous post Lorraine.
    My girl was late, my boy 2 hours over...the only time he has ever been more reliable than his sister!
    I hope your boy comes on my birthday!though that would nearly mean contractions soon...lucky you!!!
    best of luck if it is now...or for whenever.... snail mail addy and an update please! Tracey

  16. going to a quilt show would bring the onset of labor for sure! Please do let me know if that 4sqs arrives before you are tired and caring for that darling baby-

  17. Anonymous6:57 pm

    Lorraine - the cake was fantastic! I told you she'd love it, is there anything creative you can't turn your hand to? Everyone at work (we miss you!)is waiting with bated breath to meet the little fella - very best of luck (but I hope to see you at the Fair on Saturday afternoon!)

  18. How can Romily be 3 already? Looks like you must still have plenty of energy to prepare such a wonderful birthday for her!
    Best wishes and all good thoughts to you on your upcoming new arrival!


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