Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ho Ho Ho

You may know that Carl takes Romily along to playgroup every Monday, where around 20 kids under 3 years come together for two hours each week, play a little, have storytime, singing and morning tea.

Well, this week gone by was the final playgroup for the year and they had a special Christmas morning tea.

Carl and Romily baked gingerbread men, which was lots of fun - Romily loved helping to roll out the dough as well as cut the shapes, although we had to supervise closely! She also enjoyed decorating them.
The bit I enjoyed most was watching the kids demolish the gingerbread men - they particularly relished biting off the heads! Some things never change across the generations do they?

The big finale was the arrival of Santa. Actually this was my personal highlight of the morning. Look closer and see if you know who was Santa!

What a good sport he is. He was actually a most dashing Santa. A good thing I'm already married to him or I may have considered racing him off!!

I was glad I could go along...on one of my sick days...I stayed well away from all the kids so I didn't infect them. It was fortunate I was there, as Romily had no idea where Daddy was!

It is so lovely to see them eyes wide with wonder learning all about Santa and the magic of Christmas.

I am just about all recovered from my throat infection/cold and am pleased to report that I have just about finished the first of the table runners for my father-in-law - just have to sew the label on. I hope to finish Robina's teapot quilt tonight!


  1. Too bad that you have been too sick to sew...but great you could share the fun. Was he Santa as he is the only usual dad and hence seemed the obvious choice...or just the most genial!
    Love the Amazon order, Tracey

  2. Your photos are terrific!

    Daddy won't get away with it so easily next year, the kids only pass this way once!

  3. Awww! So cute that she didn't know!

  4. What a handsome Father Christmas! Did you get to sit on his knee & tell him what you wanted for Christmas? ;o)

  5. Obviously Romily didn't recognise him then - isn't it wonderful how they are so taken in by it all at that age? Glad you're on the mend Lily

  6. Awwwww ,your DH was Santa! How cool is that! :)

  7. Gorgeous photos. Your husband makes a lovely santa! Christmas time with kids is so much more fun - I'm really seeing the magic of it all over again. Hope you and your family have a lovely christmas day, and best wishes for a happy and exciting new year.

  8. Oh a Santa that Rom would go near - Maybe I need to get Tim or my Dad to dress up as him so Miss A will go within a meter of him (LOL)

    Love the photos and I still eat the gingermans head first!

  9. The best Wishes for the Christmas time! Happy Holidays to you and your family;)))


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