Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cheers to the end of a busy year

I did try to post this yesterday, but Blogger wouldn't play nice with my photos!

Merry Christmas! It was very merry here. We had a lovely Christmas Day - our first at home and Romily's first Christmas where she almost understood what was going on.

We were treated to a bit of a sleep-in, with Romily not waking until 8am. We then asked her if she wanted to go upstairs and see if Santa had been. She definitely did and then was thrilled to see that a) he had and b) he'd left some jelly beans scattered around too! She then went into the upstairs bedroom to wake up Granddad.

What followed was a lovely half an hour or so of her very carefully peeling her presents and loving every one of them. Once she'd opened all of the presents from Santa, and we'd opened our gifts to each other, it was time for the grand finale - a rocking horse made by Granddad! She, who is usually a little cautious around new things, jumped straight on and started rocking. It brought a big smile to all our faces - especially clever Granddad's!

We took a trip down to the local playground after breakfast and tired Romily out enough for her to have a sleep. When she woke up we sat down to a yummy lunch of cold seafood (oysters and prawns), followed by roast meats and salad. No room for pudding - fortunately we'd eaten that the night before!

It was so nice to have our Christmas celebration at home for a change - I love heading south to spend Christmas with my family, but it's a very long way, and always stressful, as we have to split our time between Melbourne (800kms from Canberra) and Bendigo (two hours from Melbourne), which makes Christmas Day not fun for anyone! It was also great that Granddad could spend some time with Romily at such a gorgeous age. He's with us until Friday, when he flies home.

Today was spent in recovery mode, Romily playing with her new toys, and Carl and his dad watching the start of the Sydney-Hobart yacht race on television. In the afternoon Romily and I hit the shops for the post-Christmas sales. Didn't end up buying much as most of it was junk! Did grab a couple of tops and a CD, plus some earrings to wear to work. Not bad!

The table runner I made for my FIL was well received. I still haven't finished the teapot, but hope to finish it tomorrow, in time for him to take back to Bendigo with him. Now I just have to finish the other ones before we head south in three weeks' time!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas too.


  1. Looks like you all had a lovely time...Merry Christmas!

    And the table runner is really lovely, Lily. I'll bet your MIL will treasure it!

  2. What a clever Granddad Romily has! Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Xmas.........Romily looks like she had a good time.......

  4. Merry Christmas Lily! Sounds like you had a lovely day. Love that runner you whipped up, very nice. :)

  5. How lovely that Romily loved her presents, and unwrapped them with so much care. The rocking horse is fantastic - how lucky to have a Grandad who can make such a beautiful thing. The classics never go out of style, do they?

  6. That rocking horse is great - Grandad did a great job with it (and he should be proud!)

    The runner looks great too!

    Merry Christmas

  7. such lovely pictures, a good time was had by all by the looks of it...
    All the best for the New year


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