Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sick again

One of the joys of having a two-year-old in the house is the new variety of germs we can all share. Between my various travels last week, I was home on Thursday for the day and night and managed to catch Romily's head cold during that time. It hit me on Sunday like a bomb and I've been down for the count since, taking yesterday and today off work. My throat has been on fire for two days, but it's finally settling down a bit today, so I should be right for work tomorrow. This is, of course, terrible timing, as I have quite a few things to get finished before the Christmas-New Year break. I am also going to miss our work choir concerts, which are Thursday and Friday this week. What a bugger, as we've been practising since August. Oh well, there's always next year. I'll go along to the Thursday performance to lend moral support, since I can't sing.

On the bright side, two thirds of a recent Amazon order arrived! While I've been too sick to sew (I know, a tragedy), I've been able to leaf through these two new and very inspirational books:

Denyse Schmidt Quilts by the very talented Denyse Schmidt (obviously)

Last-Minute Patchwork & Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson

The book I wanted most - Last-Minute Fabric Gifts: 30 Hand-Sew, Machine-Sew, and No-Sew Projects - is of course the one that hasn't yet arrived - and I was contacted by Amazon over the weekend saying it probably wouldn't ship until late January. Not really a problem, as I am flat out till then anyway!

I am feeling a bit better today, so might try to get some work done on the table runners I'm making as Christmas presents. I've finished two out of three of the tops, so now I have to sandwich and quilt them. I have to get the third top done, but I'm lucky in that the second and third won't be given until mid-January, when we're having a late second Christmas with my family down in Tasmania - so I do have a little breathing space! I only really have to have my FIL and his companion's presents finished by next Sunday, when they're due to arrive from Bendigo.


  1. Oh Lily, hope your feeling better soon. Such a bad time of the year to fall sick! Lots of lovely books to read though, have been eyeing off Last-Minute Patchwork & Quilted Gifts myself, love to know what you think of it later. :)

  2. I think you should snuggle up under a quilt with your new book and get better quick!

  3. Hope you will feel better soon. I have both the books that arrived and the book that didn’t. I like them both very much. I was somewhat dissapointed by the Last Minute Fabric gift book. I hope you will like it though!

  4. Get well soon - and in the meantime snuggle under a quilt and peruse your new book purchases

  5. Hope you feel well soon -

    I just received the patchwork gifts book and I am a little disappointed with it as well.

  6. Lovely books Lily, hope you continue to feel better each day and get your gifts made in time!


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