Monday, December 31, 2007

Annual Crafty Wrap-Up

A few fellow bloggers have rung out the year with a review of their crafts for the year. I thought this was a good way to look at what I've accomplished this year. Not as much as some, but, then again, I work 40+ hours per week and am the mum to a very busy 2 1/4 year old!

For Quilts4Leukaemia - these blocks were made into a beautiful quilt by the very generous Clare for Kezia, a little girl who needed some TLC.

The first quilt I made for Romily - it's on the end of her bed now :)

Wonky Geese - made for a darling little boy named Campbell

Jeans from Ottobre I made for my nephew Zach

The first batch of softies I made for various family and friends' children - I also made one for Rom :)

Rom's cowgal coat - it has a matching hat too!

A *gasp* white dress for a toddler. She's actually quite a clean little kid!

More softies...I made five in all.

More jeans, this time for my twin nephews Darcy and Cody

My take on the British Strippy Quilt for the EB Quilters Doll Quilt Swap in October

An extra doll quilt I made, which went to one of the girls in the swap.

A gorgeous little sun dress I made for my friend's baby Erika

A romper for a little boy named Atticus

And finally, the table runner I made for my Father-in-law for Christmas.

I have several other projects in the works - some of which were supposed to be finished by now but are not! Ah well, best laid plans and all that.

There's always next year!

Happy New Year to all my friends out there in the Land of Blog. Cheers!


  1. For someone with a demanding job and a family I'd say you accomplished a remarkable number of projects this year. I remember sewing for my kids when they were that age - it was so much fun! I can hardly wait to start sewing for my grandchildren. If I remember right you are a fairly new quilter also - though one would never know it from looking at the quality of your work.

    Just wait until Romily can sit beside you working on her own little quilt. What a lot of fun that will be!

  2. Hi Lily, happy new year!!!! Peace, serenity,love and joy for you and your family!Hugs

  3. Anonymous2:22 pm

    My goodness Lily! What an amazing amount you've achieved this year - and such beautiful things too. You are such a clever girl! Happy new year to you and your family.

  4. I think you accomplish a huge amount in your week...I would be lying on the couch with a drink!!!
    All in all, a wonderfully constructive year! Tracey

  5. Lily! You work 40 hours plus a week and sewed all this! My hat goes off to you girl, an amazing accomplishment. :) Love the dolls quilts and softies!

  6. Happy New Year!! So impressed by how productive your year was! I made a quilt for a little Atticus this year - there can't have been too many little ones born with that name last year!! Mine lives in Hong Kong. Belated Christmas greetings, too.

  7. What a lot you achieved last year considering the limited time you have! Woul you like to do me some more blocks to kick start 2008?

    Happy New Year!

  8. When you put all your accomplishments in one post it looks so good. Wonky Geese is my favourite along with the Softies and the clothes. Happy New Year to you, Carl and Romy.

  9. What a great year's work. I love the Wonky Geese Quilt and the bright floral sundress. I look forward to seeing what you come up with in 2008.


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