Saturday, October 06, 2007

What's in a name? A lot apparently!

Helen tagged me and since I only have to come up with four things, I thought I'd give it a go!

Here’s how it works:1. Players must list one fact, word, or tidbit that is somehow relevant to their life for each letter of their first or middle name.2. When you are tagged you need to write your own post containing your first or middle name game facts, word, or tidbit.3. At the end of your post choose one person for each letter of your name to tag.4. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them that they have been tagged, and to read your blog.5. If I’ve tagged YOU (see below), please join in on the fun!

L - Leon the Professional is one of my favourite films ever. Directed by Luc Besson, it's not your run-of-the-mill action flick. It stars one of my all-time favourite actors, Gary Oldman (when he still cared about acting), as well as Jean Reno, who also starred in The Big Blue (another Besson film) and a very young Natalie Portman in her first film role.
I - Ireland is the ancestral homeland I've never visited. My ancestors are from around Kilkenny. I'd love to visit one day, but that day will have to wait till either the Australian dollar appreciates against the pound and the punt or we win Tattslotto!
L - Lollies. I am a sucker for lollies...or suckers! But unfortunately lollies don't like me. All that processed sugar ends up on my face and I look like a teenager again. Not the look I'm going for!

Y - Yahtzee - my family used to play this a lot - especially when we were away on holidays. I loved playing it because a) I'm a writer so love to show off my vocabulary and b) I have a bizarre competitive streak when it comes to board games!

So now I have to tag four people - one for each letter of my name. I tag Bren, Clare, Anne and Jenni, who could all use a bit of harmless fun/cheering up. Have fun ladies!

Speaking of harmless fun and cheering up, here's my wacky, crazy daughter, looking at me through her 'noculars', which she made at playgroup.

Poor little munchkin is sick - woke up with vomit everywhere at 5.30am this morning and it went downhill from there. I hope that whatever is going through her hurries up and finishes - it's awful to see such a little one suffering so much.


  1. nice photos .. you work well on your blogs .. I wish to can come to your beautiful country on day ..

  2. First, absolutely love your tulips, i can look at them for as long as you can look at my canola!!
    Second, poor baby, and poor Mum, there is no worse feeling than walking into a room where you smell vomit and know what you are going to find, just not where or how much!!!Happy washing1 Tracey

  3. Oh my, I hope Romily is feeling better. I love the noculars she made :)

  4. Thanks for playing Lily. :) Poor Romily, hope she's back to her happy self soon. Must be the season for those tiolet roll binoculars, we had some come home from kindy a few weeks ago! Hiliarous!

  5. Anonymous11:41 pm

    My DVD copy is called simple "the professional" but obviously it's the same movie. I love that film, one of my favorites. Gary Oldman is so talented and really embodies every role he takes on. I also love the soundtrack.

    Nice blog photos too.


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