Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Floriade Time Again

It's that time of year again when Canberrans come out to play. Floriade is on again and is as beautiful as ever. My parents made a special trip up from Melbourne and Romily just loved having them stay with us for three days. So did I. I wish we lived closer. We all made a trip to Floriade on Saturday - it was a beautiful day, if a little cold! Here are some photos for you...

Romily and 'Huppa'

Me, Romily and Grandma

'Bathing boxes' framing a gorgeous field of tulips. Lovely!

A 'crusty' beanie (knitted, rimless hat) made by some Aboriginal ladies - part of the funniest and most Australian craft exhibition held in a marquee in the middle of Floriade. I had never thought of beanies as objets d'art before!

Grandma and Huppa

Huppa and Romily

I find the different colour combinations really inspiring, not to mention breathtakingly gorgeous!

So busy at work this week. We had a long weekend this weekend past, but I unfortunately had to work on Monday, a public holiday - I'm working on a large project at work and the deadline is speeding towards me. Doesn't help that we are carrying a vacancy and I'm doing extra work on top of an already full workload. Today was good though. I went on a training course that was actually very useful and informative - makes a nice change!

I'm looking forward to this weekend, a chance to relax and unwind a little - and hopefully no work!

I am also very close to finishing the quilt for the EB Doll Quilt Swap, which is good. I'm looking forward to being able to send it off and then wait with baited breath to see if my swappee likes it :) I just have to make the binding, stitch it on and sort out a label. Hoorah!


And for those of you who asked...


  1. Beautiful Photos Lily...looks like you had a great day!!

  2. Anonymous9:33 pm

    Stunning Lily - thanks for sharing.

  3. What an amazing abundance of colour and thanks for the "blast from the past".

  4. Those tulips are amazing - you know nature is a wonderful thing - you really wouldn't dare make something that 'in your face' but somehow it looks wonderful in a flower. You really look like your mum Lily

  5. Anonymous11:08 am

    Wow! Your floriade photos are so beautiful, the closeups came out so well and the colours are fabulous. It looks like you had a wonderful time. I know what you mean about wishing you lived closer to Romily's grandparents. My parents are in Sydney, and I'm always missing them, it would be so nice for them to see more of Thomas (and, selfishly, for us to have willing babysitters on tap!)

  6. I miss Floriade! What was this year's theme? Beautiful photos; any quilty inspiration there?

  7. Gosh Lily you do look like your Mum. I love the first photo - a sea of tulips. I cazn hear Romilly's giggle in those photos.

  8. Great pics Lily, we were in Canberra on Sat for my cousin's wedding and drove past Floriade and it looked wonderful. You're not wrong about the temp though, we were freezing!

  9. Those flowers are beautiful! Looks like Romily had a great time too.

  10. OMG Lily! I never, NEVER click on those You Tube links in peoples's blogs.... NEVER! But I just had to click on yours! Bopping in my seat as I type this! Cool!!!! :) Lovely picts too, looks like a happy family day out.

  11. Tagged you! Check out my blog!


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