Monday, October 08, 2007

Doll quilt finished and a sneak peak

Hoorah! I have finished binding the doll quilt, so it's now ready for a wash and a press before I send it off later this month. Of course I don't want to give too much away, so I've messed with the colours in the above tease photo! I hope my swap partner likes it.


On a less bright note, poor Carl must have picked up Romily's bug. He spent yesterday lurching between bed and the loo (don't worry, I won't go into more detail). He still wasn't very well today, so I took Romily to work with me - we are fortunate in that we have a carer's room with a television, DVD player and couches and tables for the kids and a computer terminal for the mums/dads. I got a bit of work done in the morning before bringing her home for a sleep, and then working from home this afternoon. Romily is fortunately all better now, which is a relief. It's no fun watching your crazy kid being sad and sick.

It was good that she was feeling better yesterday too, as we managed to get out of the house and go and see a kids' concert at the Canberra Theatre. Justine Clark is a presenter on Playschool, a great children's television program (that's been going for longer than I've been around - a very long time!), and recently put out a CD of Australian songs. The CD has been so popular that she's now put out a DVD of video clips (thanks uncle Bill) and is on the road, touring Australia. She was really great and Romily had a great time dancing and clapping, with a little bit of singing thrown in for good measure :)


  1. Oooh, I wish I'd gone in the swap and had a chance of receiving that! I have that floral fabric on the bottom right ;)

  2. I wish I had joined the doll quilt swap - I have loved seeing everybody's creations.

    Hope Carl feels well again soon and you don't get it!!

  3. Your doll quilt is wonderful. I wonder what color it is??? I love the quilting design. I used that one all over my huge cover up quilt. It was quite fun to stitch. I pray Carl recovers quickly. Poor guy...they handle sickness like the little ones.

  4. Hope Carl feels better soon and that he doesn't pass it on to you

  5. Your hand quilting is lovely Lily!

    Glad Romily is better - hope Carl is soon and you stay well!

  6. OMG I can't believe Justine Clark is on TOUR!!!!!!!

    Your quilt is beautiful, one lucky recipiant.

  7. Anonymous11:09 pm

    poor carl! never fun to be sick.

    look at you...all busy and quilting and stuff! it looks fabulous, lily! i'm anxious to see the full, real color version! :o)

    take care!


  8. can't wait to see the pics, what you've shared looks fantastic!


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