Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm back

And exhausted. Got back on Wednesday morning and was completely bombed out by mid-afternoon so I came home to see the two most beautiful people in my world. Absolutely no crafting done this week. I am hoping to get my mojo back tomorrow. We're off to the zoo in the morning, it's going to be a lovely day (so says the weather man) and we should have a good time, as Romily now knows all her animals. She's getting better at spotting them too!

I hope I can get some sewing done tomorrow - got to get some pants made up for the twins - we're off to Melbourne in a couple of weeks for their second birthday party. Should be lots of mayhem and lots of fun!

Could you resist this face? My daggy daughter hiding out in the shower!
Happy weekend everyone :)


  1. Welcome back Lily! Umm, why was Romily hiding in the shower? Did she turn the tap on? She looks very pleased with herself hiding there.

  2. She's a cutie for sure. I have a three-year-old Australian grandson. Maybe we should introduce them! Lol.

  3. Welcome back Lily! Romily is such a cutie!

  4. Oh, huge week, you poor thing!
    Romily is just too cute...and why not hide in the shower!
    Loved your stars and wanted to eat the tea-cake, and as I am commenting and not just having a quick read this time, I will add that I loved all the "quilt show quilts" you posted, thanks! Tracey

  5. what a minx! - take care Lily and don't do too much!

  6. She is adorable !!!


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