Sunday, August 19, 2007

Some progress; something quilty!

We've had a lovely weekend. Some friends of ours popped around yesterday for some afternoon tea. I even got busy and baked a tea cake. Voila.
Afternoon tea anyone?

This morning another friend dropped around so our girls (both just turned two) could have a play date. I baked again, but mucked it up and forgot to add the flour to a fairly dry biscuit mix (Anzac Biscuits), so instead of nice crunchy biscuits, I ended up with what looked awfully like Brandy Snaps! (And no, I didn't photograph my failures!) My very polite guest ate a couple of flat biscuits anyway, god bless her! Her daughter, Lena, has two older sisters, so is much more confident and talkative than Romily. She did teach her a thing or two about cooking! Romily spent the rest of the day talking about her morning with Lena. Very cute seeing the two of them together.

Carl kindly offered to vacate the house with Romily this afternoon so I could catch a few hours of much-needed 'me time'. I put those few hours to good use and put in a cracking effort to get one of the tops of my Christmas Stars project finished (there are three in all).

Here's a blow-by-blow look at how my afternoon was spent (Mum, look away if you're watching):

Framed and looking good!

Topped and tailed.

Ready to be joined.

All stitched up (apologies for the flash - it got suddenly overcast).

With a cream border.

In hindsight, I wish I'd framed the green star with cream fabric. But I wasn't going to rip out all the seams and start over. It's my table runner and I'll cry if I want to! I think it's worked out nicely. Now that's one down, two to go! Then the quilting...!


I'll be missing in action for the first part of this week - crazy busy at work. I fly out tomorrow night to Adelaide, overnight there, set up a display at an event for work, fly to Sydney in the afternoon for the Eureka Prizes gala awards dinner, overnight Sydney, fly back to Canberra on Wednesday morning, work all day, head home to kiss husband and daughter and then head out to my local Neighbourhood Watch committee meeting (I'm the newsletter editor). Phew. Am tired just thinking about it! Have a good week everyone!


  1. Oh that table runner looks fantastic! I might have to show my Mum your blog to give her some inspiration for some festive quilting....

  2. The Christmas Stars are wonderful!! Romily looks like she is having a fun time...Did she make tea cake or biscuits? ;)
    Your tea cake looks delicious and I am sure the biscuits (cookies?) were fine.

  3. Oh yum that tea cake looks yummo - Could we have the recipe - I have always wanted to make one - but my dad doesnt like them - apparently mum used to make them all of the time and he asked her to STOP LOL. Love the stars - looking good!

  4. that runner looks wonderful Lily. You'll have a very beautiful christmas table!

  5. The runner looks great Lily! Is it for your Mum? LOL :)

  6. Great work Lily...those stars look great!

  7. The Christmas stars look fabulous - and the girls looked like they were having a ball -isn't it great to be a fly on the wall watching and listening into toddlers playing

  8. great quilting and how cute do those little ladies look!!!! I still have the occassional cooking failure and its usually missing something out!


  9. The Christmas Stars are wonderful!And your tea cake looks delicious!!
    Kind Regard,


  10. How long since I've had teacake? Yum. I love cinnamon, and put it in practically everything. I love your table runner, and I can see what you mean about the cream fabric. I know you're not going toundo it now (either would I!), but the other thing you could do next time is put the dark star in the centre. But it's lovely. Hope you are not too exhausted after your travelling.

  11. Oh wow, your runner looks amazing!! I'm really looking forward to sewing some christmassy things up this year.


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