Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Red Moon Rising

Full moon tonight...scroll down to see what happened to it...

Phew. Life is not nearly so hectic this week :) Although possibly a little crazy with the full moon!

Have accidentally thrown the Summer 04 issue of Ottobre out with the recycling. Turned the house upside down looking for it before realisation dawned. Bugger, bugger, bugger, as I had wanted to use one of the patterns for pants for my nephews' birthday, which is coming up this weekend (don't worry I have a week up my sleeve, as we won't see them until the following weekend). I didn't want to use the same pattern as I used for my eldest nephew, as it wouldn't be cool at age seven to be wearing the same pants as your two-year-old brothers! (The upside of upending the house was that we ended up sorting out the various piles of papers/magazines that had sprung up everywhere like mushrooms after rain...) So I had to go down to my local sewing supplies shop yesterday and buy a new pattern. While I was there I just happened to pick up a couple of extras and some really sunny fabric to make a couple of sundresses/skirts for Romily. Oops.

I also ventured out today to my first choir rehearsal in around 20 years! The government department I work for has a choir and they've just started practising for the end-of-year Christmas concert. I love to sing (although I am not very good) - it makes me feel happy (ignoring that I am not very good) - and I thought I'd give it a shot. I only know two of the songs, and not very well, so it will be interesting. I am struggling to remember how to read music and I cannot for the life of me remember more than Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit. I also haven't sung in public since I left high school (hence the 20 years), so it will be a little nerve-wracking. I figure the 'voices' in the choir will compensate for any of my wobbly notes!

We were treated to a rare and unusual sight tonight - a full eclipse of the moon - and a red eclipse to boot.

I had fun with my telephoto lens trying to capture it on 'film'. Of course as the shadow of the earth engulfed the moon it became harder and harder to get a steady shot. It's times like these I wish I had a tripod and hand-held shutter. So, as always, apologies for the blur. I am quite pleased, despite any blurring, that I managed to capture some fine detail and some of the moon's many 'seas'.

Here's my red moon rising.

Pretty cool isn't it?

The cat is going crazy - wonder if he knows something's up?


  1. Thanks for those photos! We just went out and had a look for ourselves. Which choir? I remember several got together with the Calculating Women (ABS) one Christmas.

  2. I just showed my kids your moon pics...became part of home school...thanks!!

  3. Those moon pictures are beautiful Lily thanks for sharing - as for the singing I always feel there's nothing more uplifting than a jolly good sing - must be something about taking in extra oxygen with the deep breaths

  4. Love your photos Lily. It was pretty spectacular, and apparently will not happen again here for 4 years.
    I turned the house upside down recently looking for a gardening book (out of print, rare as hens teeth, excessively expensive if you do find a copy on internet). I did not find it, and I nearly went mental. But I did manage to chuck some stuff out, so it wasn't all bad. Sorry about your mag - I know how much you loved it!

  5. WOW! Great photos of the moon, It was such a glorious sight wasn't it!

  6. I'm pleased you made the attempt. I was giving a talk and kept letting them have stretch breaks that involved all going and standing outside! Tracey

  7. Wow, those photos are amazing!!!

    So sorry to hear about your Ottobre, something like that would be my worst nightmare.

  8. Cool picts Lily! We had cloud cover here in Perth and saw saw nothing! :(


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