Saturday, June 16, 2007

Da na na na na na na they say it's your birthday...

...And it's my birthday too yeah! (apologies to The Beatles)

That photo is me at two years of age. Nothing like Romily, apart from lots of hair!

Dear god how did I manage to become 36 years old? I cannot credit it. Ah well, it's been a busy three and half decades that's for sure. And one more year of being in my 'mid-30s' - I guess it's not all bad when you look at it that way!

The best present I've received today? A sleep-in - a proper sleep-in. That is, Carl took Romily out of the house when she woke up this morning and I slept until 9.30am. This is the first time in nearly two years. Hooray and happy birthday to me! I am waiting for them to come home to open my other presents. Romily was trying to hand them to me last night - she's cottoning on to the whole birthday, cake, candles and presents idea! She'll be beside herself with excitement tonight with the cake and candles. Darling Carl has even made my cake himself. What a beautiful man :)

Oh and my first Ottobre magazine arrived yesterday. Perfect timing. All those projects! Very inspiring too.

Have a great weekend everyone :)


  1. Happy Birthday Lily. Glad to here Romily is feeling better.

  2. 'Hear' it what I really meant to put!

  3. Happy Birthday! Just found your blog and it is lovely. Your little one is adorable. Glad you got to sleep in...I forgot what that is. It is 5:40 am here right now and I am on my second cup of coffee!!

  4. Happy Birthday Lily! Birthdays get really exciting when little ones start to realise what is going on. Enjoy your cake and candles .... and the presents as well.

  5. Happy Bithday to you...Happy Bithday to you...Happy Bithday dear Lily, Happy Bithday to you!!! Have a gret day! HUGSSSS :)))

  6. Anonymous10:42 am

    happy happy to YOU!!! what a darling pic too! :o)


  7. Wishing you a very happy belated birthday! Glad it was such a nice day.

  8. happy birthday...I have just found your blog and was looking back and OMG your daughter and you are so alike in this photo.......willadd you to my links.......


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