Sunday, June 17, 2007

Birthday treats

I was truly spoilt yesterday - and thanks for all your birthday wishes.

I had a lovely long sleep-in and then Romily helped me open my presents. We then had a lovely afternoon together, with the day topped off by my favourite dinner - roast chicken with roast pumpkin and potato and some token greens. Then the cake!

Romily was enraptured with the idea of cake and candles, but got a bit scared when it came time to blow them out. We might have to practice a few more times before her birthday in August.

I also received some gorgeous scarves, socks and beads from my parents and brother and sister-in-law. My present from my other brother is being shipped from Amazon next week and I can't wait to get it. I'll post about it when it arrives.

Carl and Romily also gave me Richard E Grant's latest book - The Wah Wah Diaries. Can't wait to read it. I love him! Not as much as I love my husband, of course!


  1. happy birthday dear Lily. And OMG Romily looks so much like you as child, it's incredible. Poor Carl must feel quite left out! Enjoy the book.

  2. Happy Birthday, and well done on the sleep-in! Your hubby looks like mine...they definitely get their hair cut at the same place!!
    Sounds like you had a good time, isn't it extra fun when the kids get right into it! Tracey

  3. Belated Happy Birthday Lily. Aren't lie in's lovely. The cake looks gorgeous. I have become addicted to roast pumpkin/squash and roast sweet potatoes. Have a good week.

  4. Happy birthday Lily - here's to many more!!!!!

  5. Anonymous3:32 pm

    Belated Happy Birthday! Sounds like a lovely day and is that a chocolate ripple cake? Yum.

    Oh and my husband also goes to the same hairdresser.


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