Monday, June 11, 2007

Romy Bear

Romy Bear is one of my many terms of endearment for our little cherub. Very fitting apparently, as she went gaga for the first softie I'm stitching - a little bear. We've had a lovely, relaxing weekend, slow enough for me to find a couple of hours to getting my softies project started.

Here is the first bear at the 'just-stitched', no-stuffing phase. Looking a little bit flat!

And here it is after stuffing, with the Romy tick of approval! I still have to stitch on the details, including the face, but Romily was in no doubt that it's a bear.

Here is a bunny in the same 'outfit' - he'll be going to a different home to the first. I then have three more to do, which may have to wait until the weekend, as I have a horrendously busy (short) week coming up at work. My boss is on leave for a week and I'm 'it'! Fortunately this added responsibility coincides with the finish of my probationary period, which I passed with flying colours - in fact my boss asked if he could clone me. I guess they're happy with my work!

I got all domesticated today and baked some vanilla crunch biscuits. They are very crunchy and very yummy. Romy helped too, which was just lovely. She is a good helper and likes 'turning' (stirring). Long may this phase last too.

Rom is definitely on the mend, which is good. Two days of toddler grizzle is about all I can 'Romy Bear'!

Back to work tomorrow. Best get an early night tonight. Who knows what the week may bring.


  1. Oh what cute little softies! I'm hoping that my little Sweetie Pie will start some felt sewing soon - she's comfortable with a needle and thread ..... hopefully we'll have lots of little felties around the house soon.

  2. The bear is obviously going to be well-loved. I felt like reaching into the computer for one of those cookies.

  3. Your softies are looking good - and you've obviously got a very satisfied customer :o)

  4. Well done on passing your probationary period. Those softies are gorgeous! Have a good week.

  5. Love the little bear - such a cute photo. You know I didn't realise the gates had changed...such are my powers of observation. No idea what I've done re: comments. Will check now. Thanks Lily. Cheers, Fran.

  6. Good job on the softies..they got the best stamp of approval!


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