Sunday, May 06, 2007

Quilting is d-o-n-e!

Click to enlarge all photos - but don't look too closely!

Hooray! I stayed up a wee bit late last night and finished the freehand fans on Campbell's Wonky Geese. I am consequently too tired tonight to do the binding - it will have to wait until Wednesday night now.

I am very happy with how the quilting turned out - at first I was a little worried about combining machine quilting with hand quilting, but I think it really works with this quilt. The machine quilting was my first non-straight-line quilting, and I'm pretty happy with it too.

Brave me showing the back view!

I am looking forward to getting the binding on and finished and delivering to baby Campbell who is now five months old! Ah well, you just can't rush these things :)

A good weekend here. Very quiet - a trip to the zoo yesterday and Carl took Romily on a bike ride, with new bike rack on the car and new kiddie seat on the bike - they both loved it. I am still very tired - I was in three different cities with work last week and all the travel caught up with me. I've finally managed to catch up with all the blogs I subscribe too - although I didn't leave as many comments as I would have liked. Just not enough hours in the day!

I have a very busy week coming up - I'm losing a day and half of productivity to get some mandatory training done, so it compresses an already busy week into three and half days. I'd better be on the ball from minute one tomorrow morning!!


Joyce said...

It's gorgeous! Well done. I love the colors and I think the quilting is perfect.

Unknown said...

Well done Lily - its wonderful!

Hedgehog said...

This looks great - congrats! 5 months is pretty darn good - I was aiming for 12 months with my last baby quilt!

Tonya Ricucci said...

Your freehand fans look fabulous. I'm impressed that you did hand quilting on a baby quilt - I've always taken the easy option and tied the quilt. This quilt was well worth the wait. That outer border really does work well. And sweet kitty from a few days ago!

Clare said...

Lovely quilting. Hope you aren't running around in circles and are getting some Lily time in.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lily,
Your quilt is excellent, I can't believe how great your quilting has become. I love all the beautiful colors. I think you need to send me this smile quilt....Hee Hee.......
Luv ya,

Laura said...

It looks fabulous! What a gorgeous and bright quilt! I love it.

Jenni said...

Wow Lily your quilting is great. Love the fans.