Sunday, June 13, 2010

The House That Jack Built

I've been a member of the Canberra Quilters for about three years now and love getting to the meetings when I can (which hasn't been all that frequently since Tristan's arrival, although I'm getting back in the swing of things now). Each year I promise myself I'll do a quilt for one of their challenges, but each year I get too busy and let it slide. This year was nearly no exception! However, I was determined, and completed this quilt, 'The House That Jack Built', in one night. It measures approx 18" x 15"
(click on image to enlarge)
I posted a while back that I thought I might do some tiny wonky stars for this year's 'Cutting Corners' challenge, but at the last minute changed my mind and did a wonky house instead. I enjoyed making the Tequila Sunhouse mini-quilt for Helen, so I thought I'd have another crack. I decided to go really bright, hoping to make an eye-popping quilt. Sadly I think I discovered that quilts can indeed be 'too bright' - resulting in insufficient contrast. In hindsight, I think I should have stuck to a white background. (Looking at it now, I wish I'd added a turquoise button for a door handle.) Nonetheless, I submitted this mini for the calendar contest - you never know, they might be looking for crazy, bright and quirky! I'm not sure when we'll find out, but regardless of the outcome, both kids like it and it can go on their bedroom wall when I finally get it back from the competition organisers :)
I love the backing/binding fabric - I originally bought it to use in a dress for Romily...that still hasn't been made! I did add a label after this photo was taken - at the meeting where the quilts were handed in. Talk about cutting it fine!


  1. It looks great! Well done on submitting it, I'll be keeping an eye on how you do :)

  2. I don't think it is too bright at all (is there such a thing as too bright? I don't think so) and I really like the blue. The contrast looks fine to me. If the contest organizers don't pick it they are not using their eyes properly!

  3. It looks super to me! The blue background softens the bright colours. White should have made it even more bright, I guess.

    And I love the ‘tree-house’!

  4. Very cute! That is such a fun, mod house. The backing fabric is gorgeous!

  5. I love it! So cute!!!

  6. Looks HOT Lily!!! Great job!

  7. That is so great, I don't do wonky at all well, yours is just right.


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