Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby season is here

It's baby season again! No, not me, but babies seem to be popping up (out?) all over! Two friends have had/are having babies, so I thought I'd whip something up for each of them.

As I'm so pressed for time these days, simple designs are king. I wanted something striking though, so I googled 'strippy quilt' and found oodles of quilty inspiration. The photo that really kicked me off was on Flickr, from Bubbachic, who had a similar dilemma and lovely scraps!

I went through my stash and found some gorgeous soft pink left over Amy Butler (from 'Marina's Midwest Modern' quilt), which is now snipped and sewn into a top for a pram quiltlet. A friend at work has just had her third girl, and another work friend made a play quilt. I thought one for the pram might be a good idea, especially now winter is really here - it's been cold and raining for two days straight!
(Measures 20 x 30")

I also had some left over Park Slope from the 'Funky Chicks' quilt, which is now doing double duty in a cot quilt. A friend of mine, who I never get to see because she lives so far away, is having a baby - a girl - and I'm just so happy for her. My friend has been dreadfully unlucky in love and has finally found a man who's right for her, so this baby is extra special! I love how this quilt is coming along. I'm going to use a stripey binding in chocolates, pinks and purples, which I think will bring it all together. The baby's due in a couple of weeks.
(Measures 40 x 40")

Both quilts will get the all-over stipple treatment, with the pram quilt to have a built-in foot muff, so I'll 'birth' that one to integrate all the layers. Never done it before, so it should be interesting!

I'm hoping to have both quilts finished by Thursday night in time to take them along for show and tell at the Canberra Quilters meeting this week, alongside the Hungry Caterpillar quilt (see previous post).

And here's one of Romily - wearing my clothes (the hat is now a permanent resident in her dress-up box). She thinks she looks like a grown-up in this outfit!
For long-time readers of my blog, can you believe Romily will be five in just a little over two months? Crikey!


  1. I know what you mean about baby season! I always thought there were more May birthdays than any other month (well, it is a good month!) but this year has confirmed it for me; so far the tally for this month's arrivls is 10: SIL and 2 other relatves, 3 RL friends, and 4 onl-line friends! I'm starting to do some simpler baby quilts for that very reason. Yours look lovely; I think the pieced binding will finish that larger one perfectly!

  2. I think there would be many more babies if they actually just popped out! Lol. It's frightening how fast babies grow up. Mine have made me a grandmother many times over.

  3. Lovely baby quilts.

    Love the picture of Romilly. It's great when they get to that age. Alex loved dressing up in my clothes.

  4. Love your stripey baby quilts to be!

    Romily looks so sweet in your outfit!

  5. Cute quilts! I seem to be in a baby drought at the moment, I honestly don't know a single person who is pregnant, weird!
    Romily looks so sweet dressed up, and the boots! too cute :)

  6. Cute tops! What a versatile design for baby quilts (and scraps)


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