Saturday, May 01, 2010

Collaborative Comfort

It's so nice to have a finish. I should outsource block-making much more often! Quilts come together amazingly quickly when you're working together. Here is 'Susan's Stars' bound and finished. I am very happy with the quilt (made by three work friends and me) and was delighted to present it to our colleague Susan, who was recently in a serious car accident. She is still in hospital, and will be for about another two weeks. The quilt will certainly brighten up her bed.
She said it was the first quilt anyone had made for her and was absolutely chuffed. She also confirmed that while she loves making quilts, she doesn't do much machine quilting - therefore she thought mine was fab!

Here's the pieced back - a beautiful stripe from Spotlight, of all places. I might have to go back and get some more - the colours are just fabulous. It didn't quite fit across the width, so I added a 90 degree strip down the middle - quite effective I think.
And one more close-up of the quilting/stars - excuse the folds, I had taken it to show everyone and it got a bit creased in the bag.
I now have five days to make a small challenge quilt for a calendar competition being run by the Canberra Quilters - it'll be no surprise that I'm doing some maverick stars! It may not get made in time, but I'll give it a try :)


  1. Polly8:55 pm

    I knew she'd love it. It must have been a real pleasure to give it to Susan and to have her so chuffed. It was a lovely idea of yours Lily. I'll race you to Spotlight for some of the backing fabric!

  2. I love the way you've done the back on this one. Too bad there is an ocean between me and Spotlight!

  3. Oh, well done! How nice for you that you were the first to give her a quilt!

  4. It turned out beautifully! I love how you did the backing fabric!

  5. This is gorgeous! What a thoughtful gift and great collaborative project!

  6. It's beautiful. I love the backing, especially the 90 degree piece in the middle - adds zing!

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Well done Lily and friends!

    PS I liked it ages ago...I must have forgotten to comment sorry! :)

  8. I love this quilt. It's gorgeous!!!!


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