Monday, April 26, 2010

Susan's Stars Update

I love long weekends - especially when Carl takes the kids of my hands for half a day here and half a day there. I get a lot done when I have the place to myself!

Here is 'Susan's Stars' quilted all over with a medium sized meander. While it's not perfect (I accidentally crossed the lines a couple of times - quilting in white over white-on-white fabric can be tricky!), it's effective and it was quick. So, it will have to do!
Now for some binding. I'm going to raid my stash for a suitable stripe - the back is a very bright Adobe style stripe, so it needs to coordinate or contrast. If I'd been thinking clearly when I bought the backing I would have bought enough to do the binding too. Ah well!


  1. It looks great Lily- what a star you are!

  2. I'm liking it to Lily! Stripy binding will be perfect!

  3. Wow, it's looking great, Lily!

  4. what a pretty quilt and a great gesture for your friend!

  5. Looks great Lily! You have done so well to pull it together so quickly.

  6. Very nice Lily - your quilting is coming along quickly.

  7. Gorgeous!
    I am making a liberated stars quilt for my daughter's bed next and am thrilled that yours looks so good!

  8. It's looking fantastic! The stripey binding sounds great!

  9. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.!!!

    Love this quilt Lily!!


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