Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bloomin' Lovely

A finish feels so good, doesn't it? This little baby is due in the post by Monday and I am very pleased to meet the deadline. I am very happy with how this turned out. My FMQ is a little bumpy, but, as the whole thing is pretty liberated, I don't think it matters too much. The overall effect works and, for me, that's what really counts. I've called it 'Bloomin' Lovely'.

The quilt was foundation (the sky) and free pieced (the grass). The flowers were raw-edge appliqued and the stems, leaves and caterpillar were embroidered. The free-pieced grass was inspired by Tami's 4SQS5 quilt. I heavily quilted the sky, but left the flowers and the grass unquilted to give a really textured feel. I think it really works. The backing came from one of the FQs I received last year during the EB Birthday FQ Swap. It's a fabulous print from Valori Wells. Very suitable, don't you think?

Here's a close-up of a little caterpillar.And one of the flowers. Although the binding looks a bit weird here, the quilt is actually 'square'. Well it's 17" x 18", but you know what I mean!

It's off to the United States of Obama. I hope its new owner likes it. I enjoyed being part of the Spring Blooms swap and I can now look forward to receiving mine :)


And here's a photo of Tristan, who, today, decided to give crawling a try! Well done Tristie!!!! He's been trying for a while now, but not really putting it all together. He now does about three 'crawls' and then pushes back into sitting. He thinks he's pretty clever and gives himself a clap. Too cute!


  1. Beautiful Lily! Love the Jan Mullen, the quilting is fantastic. ANd the backing! Wohooo!!!! Love it!

    I can't believe that is Tristan! When did he get so big? He's so cute! Crawling..... Rom's going to love that!

  2. What a cute quilt - your quilting looks great. Tristan is looking so cute - well done little guy for learning to crawl. Does Romy enjoy encouraging him along?

  3. The mini looks great! I just received my quilt last evening, so I know it is not coming to me :( but I love the quilt I received; one can't have it all now, can one? :)
    Tristan is looking adorable; you can see he is pleased with what he has done. :) My 21-month old recognizes pictures from a magazine and says "good boy" to himself. It is hilarious.

  4. Wow Lily, this is just stunning! I love the little caterpillar, such a cute touch and the backing fabric is just gorgeous, will have to keep an eye out for that one! Congrats to Tristan on the crawling too!

  5. Tristan looks very proud of himself - he is such a litle cutie! Love your sweet mini quilt - it is so bright and cheerful. Love the little details like the caterpillar.

  6. That's really lovely Lily. Your recipient should be really happy. Tris certainly does look happy with himself. Your embroidery is really coming along.

  7. Lovely quilt Lily and I do adore your smallest creation - he's very cute!
    Isn't it so sweet when they applaud themselves.

  8. Your Spring Bloom quilt is adorable! I love the caterpillar details!!

  9. I love the happiness and brightness of this Spring Bloom Quilt, who ever gets this will be very lucky!!


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