Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Birthday baking and cutting some grass

They say it's your birthday
And it's my birthday too yeah
We're gonna have a good time
Well happy birthday to you!

(Courtesy the Beatles)

Actually happy birthday to me :)

I had a lovely day. A mini-sleep in (until 7.30am), woken up by Romily, Carl and Tristan bringing me my birthday present - two books: Breath by Tim Winton and The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. Both much wanted and I look forward to reading them.

Carl headed off to work and after Tristan had a sleep and we got ourselves ready, I took the kids to Monkey Mania at the new DFO in Fyshwick. They both had a great time - so much so that they both had a two-hour sleep at the same time. Anyone who has/had two young kids knows what a blessing this is! A second birthday present :)

I spent some time catching up on blogs and baking my own birthday cake (Carl's done it the past two years, but I was more than happy to make one this year - especially with Romily's help decorating it). It's a Treacle Butter Cake with Coconut Ice Frosting (both from the fabulous BAKE cookbook I posted about here).

Then I put a lamb roast in the oven and spent a little while playing with my two gorgeouses. I also opened a bunch of birthday cards and a couple of parcels. Thank you Bill & Kate for the very generous voucher for a local day spa. Very nice! And a wrap and recipe organiser from Jim & Jacinta and the boys. Thank you!

And thanks to my parents and my father-in-law for contributing to Lily's Overlocker Fund. It's getting closer!

Also arriving by coinkydink today was my subscription to Meanjin. It's the third time I've subscribed and I hope this time I might get up enough courage to actually submit something!


And I think I mentioned there'd been some crafting going on here (finally). Here is the design for my Spring Blooms doll quilt (excuse the magnets - I had to put it on the fridge to show up the design in the photograph!). I drew the design full size onto sew-in interfacing which I'm using as the foundation. The 'sky' will be foundation pieced and then attached to the grass, with the flowers raw-edge appliqued and the flower stems and petals embroidered. The grass is free-pieced. Here's a sneak preview! I hope to have the piecing and applique finished by lunchtime tomorrow and then to do the quilting and embroidery tomorrow night and Thursday. I should be able to get it bound and labelled over the weekend and then posted by Monday, which is the deadline. Cutting it fine, but with all that's been going on around here, it'll be a good effort!


  1. Happy Birthday Lily! I think the best pressie was both R and T sleeping at the same time for 2 hours! BLISS!!! Love the sneek peek of the mini quilt, its going to be beautiful.

  2. Happy Birthday! Mine was yesterday. Sounds like yours was as good as mine.

  3. Best wishes for your birthday Lily! Sounds like it was a lovely one - your birthday cake looks absolutely delicious:)

  4. Happy Birthday Lily! Sounds like you've had a wonderful day and how nice to have both kids co-operate and nap at the same time - LOL. Yep, I know how that feels. That cake looks totally scrumptious - enjoy!

  5. Happy Birthday Lily!!!

    Love your design for the Spring Blooms doll quilt!

  6. Happy birthday to you Lily!
    I love, love, love it when they all sleep at once - all three in bed as I write!
    Love your book selections - I have read one and have the other on my 'most wanted' list.
    Meanjin looks very interesting.
    Hope you had a great day.

  7. Happy Birthday Lily - sounds like you had a great day.

  8. Happy birthday Lily! Sounds like a wonderful day, especially with the tandem nap time. I love the design of the spring blooms quilt!

  9. Happy belated birthday :) It sounds as though you were very spoilt! That cake looks fab too.


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