Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tristan is 8 months old

I know, I can hardly believe it either. How does eight months disappear so quickly? Here's my little guy. He's such a cutie. He's rolling around everywhere, trying desperately to sit up (even managed it once by pulling himself up using the edge of the rug) and wanting to get his hands on everything his sister has, as well as my cups of coffee.And here's his big sister getting in on the act. They're great buddies! (Even down to Romily requesting me to make the matching pants some of you spotted in my previous post!)


  1. They sure grow up fast! Love the photo of the kids together on the gorgeous floor rug- priceless!

  2. You have a pair of cuties there!!!They are starting to look quite a bit alike.

  3. What adorable pics, Lily...they are both growing like weeds, aren't they? And Tristan looks like he's break-dancing!

  4. Gorgeous pics as always Lily - he's such a sweetie and Romi seems to be such an adoring big sister.

  5. Hi, I'm glad I popped in for a look at your blog - you have a real talent for talent stunning photos - congtatulations!
    Just a question - do you put your name on the photo through Photoshop or a similar program before you upload?

  6. What a little cutie-pie! He looks like a gymnast working the horse in that second shot. And it looks like his big sister absolutely adores him. :-)


Thanks for stopping by!