Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter hols

Boo. We disappeared down south before I had the chance to post. I managed to get my essay submitted one day late, but I had an extension, so all was okay. I think I did a pretty good job, but only time (and my lecturer) will tell.
I managed a spot of sewing before we left - a folding padded playmat for Tristan. I pieced the top using Kokka's range of canvas hippos and elephants, used 4 2.5cm cushion foam pieces for the padding and backed it with thermal-lined curtain fabric. I designed it myself after being inspired by something similar at Amitie and was pretty happy that I thought to make two ties and insert them in the seams before I stitched it all up. I used the playmat on floors at my father-in-law's and sister-in-law's houses and also in various playgrounds. It is great, although Tristan is already pretty good at rolling off it and into tan bark, etc.
The playmat got quite a workout while we were on our travels throughout Victoria and on the trip home via Adelong, Tumut and Adaminaby. (Check out Adaminaby's 'Big Trout'!!!)We had a pretty good time in Bendigo and Melbourne seeing our family. I say 'pretty good' because we were all sick - Carl and I especially. Just a nasty chest cold, but still not fun! It meant that we didn't get out and about as much as we would have liked, although we did manage to take in the Strath Quilters biennial show in Bendigo (great quilts, but I was too busy managing two kids to take any pix), as well as the Easter Parade on Easter Monday. Rom had a great time hunting in Granddad's garden for all the very many eggs left for her by the Easter Bunny!
Lots of fun was had by all despite us being sick. I really enjoyed seeing both kids interact with their grandparents. I wish we lived closer. It's such a precious time.


  1. Tristan looks so much like his Grandma.

    Lovely photos.

  2. Looks like you had a lovely holiday!! Love Tristans playmat - great fabric and practical design.

  3. Just confirming from a non-biased point of view that your kids are as adorable as ever! And I love the matching outfits ;)

  4. I just laughed out loud at the hair pulling photo - one of the down sides of having long hair I'm afraid Romily - and Tristan's cheeky grin as he's pulling, he looks like he knows exactly what he's doing!

  5. Gorgeous pics Lily - the play mat is great. It's a hard age for the park - not big enough to play but they want to get in on the action.
    The matching pants are too cute!
    They'll hate you for that later on.

  6. Looks like you had the best time possible although you were sick! I am with you on the wishing that we lived closer to family!

    Love the rug - what a great idea - wish that I had something like that when Baden was a babe!

  7. Tristan looks absolutely gorgeous - such a shame I only got to see the back of his head in person (stupid work - grrrrr) And I adore the bat face paint on Rom - what an awesome photo!
    xxx scarlett


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