Monday, February 02, 2009

Dummy spit

Yes, my friends, those are dummies! (Pacifiers to you good folk in North America)

Tristan likes to have a dummy to go off to sleep, but they kept disappearing mysteriously. I had looked under the bed every time I vacuumed and found one or two, but that didn't explain where the others had gone. I thought there might be one or two perhaps lodged between the mattress and the wall, but when I pulled the underbed storage tubs out to vacuum the other day, I happened to glance up.

I counted 10 dummies in total! I had a good laugh, got Carl to come and have a look, snapped a couple of photos and then asked Romily to crawl in under the cot and retrieve them. Most of them went into the bin, but a couple of recent purchases were washed and sterilised and put back into circulation. Now I know where to look, we shouldn't have too many escapees!


  1. How did the dummies end up under the bed...? Soooo funny!

  2. That little boy is going to wind his adoring parents and sister round his little finger when he gets older!

    DD flatly refused to take dummies. She always spat them out and when she started in maternelle she was the only 3 year old not to have one for the afternoon siesta. She had Rabbit and Teddy instead.

  3. Too funny Lily! I had to look twice before I saw them all!

    Having a dummy monster myself & a line up appearing under the cot in the early days - I get where your coming from!!!

  4. Oh Lily that is a crack up - at first glance I only noticed the two on the floor, then spotted the rest!

  5. My little man does exactly the same thing, he thinks it is so funny to see Mummy or Daddy crawl under his cot on our bellys to retreive his dummy's

  6. That is hilarious! I wouldn't have thought to look there.

  7. So funny. Lol. My kids loved their soothers too.

  8. Oh no! He's been found out. Guess he'll try to find a better hiding place! That is so funny.

  9. Oh that's cute! I come from a land where we had dummies too .... when DS was little and dummies disappeared mysteriously I found that he'd been tidying them up (hiding them) in the seat of his ride-on-car.

    How's the heat? Hope Tristan and Romily aren't feeling too uncomfortable .... you too!

  10. That's hilarious - look how carefully he's been squirrelling those away! I've enjoyed catching up on all your adventures over the last few weeks - I love the quilt cot and the pavlova, and hope the sleeping is going better now Tristan's tooth is through. Looking forward to some cooler weather soon too.

  11. Just too funny LOL!

  12. Too Cute!! Clever Tristan!!

  13. Anonymous1:24 am

    Reminds me of a little Miss Sunshine here too....she has about 4 dummies in the cot but i hunt for them every day too (find them similar places to your spot)....she needs to hold at least two....

  14. What a stash! LOL Clever Miss R retrieving them all!


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