Thursday, February 05, 2009

Beach holiday

We managed to sneak in a beach holiday last week, with five days down near the New South Wales South Coast, in a cabin park at a place called Nelligen, which is on the very picturesque Clyde River. We stayed in this great 2-bedroom cabin, which is right on a tidal creek that feeds into the river. Lots of interesting things in there for Romily to check out with Daddy.

Nelligen is also near Batemans Bay, the centre of action on the South Coast. It's a very pretty spot.Although it was stinking hot (not as hot as in Canberra or Melbourne or Adelaide - thank god), our cabin had air conditioning that battled valiantly to keep us cool. Romily and Carl spent around 6 hours each day in the water and Tristan and I had a couple of swims too.

We had a trip to the Mogo Zoo, which I've been wanting to visit for ages. It didn't disappoint. It's not very big, but it's beautifully set up and you can see all the animals - they have lovely enclosures and 'seem' happy. Rom enjoyed herself until she got a bit too hot and 'couldn't' walk any further! Daddy gave her a shoulder ride, despite her protests (she hates them), and we made it back to the exit just as the day started to really get hot.
A Brazilian Tapir - he also loves to swim!
Oh deer!A regal looking ServalThis cute fella is a Cotton-Tailed TamarinA Romily monkey.
My two smiley boys.
And two Red Pandas...looking strangely comfortable!

We also spent a gorgous morning down on the Broulee South beach (no photos - I had my hands full!), having a couple of dips in the clear water that was the most perfect temperature, and catching up briefly with my friend Ruth and her family who were holidaying as well.

I even managed to get some handquilting done on the bright retro quilt I'm making for my friend Diane, who was scheduled to have her bub yesterday (still waiting for the email Aaron!).

It was a very relaxing way to spend the week. Back to reality this week. Boy, we've been busy. Romily goes to playschool (like 3yo pre-school) two mornings a week and we also had to take our car in for a service on Tuesday. Today is Gymbaroo and tomorrow is a rest day. It's going to be horribly hot over the weekend, so I think we'll be hunkering down inside enjoying the airconditioning and hoping we don't have a power brownout! I'd like to get baby Daniel's Full Moon Forest quilt finished too.


  1. okay, I have to ask... what is the white dog-like creature with the long tail who's staring at the camera, and what are the two orange animals draped Dali-like over the tree trunk? Fascinating! I visited a small zoo near Coff's Harbour a few years ago but don't remember seeing either of these.

  2. Love all the photos! Looks like you ALL had a wonderful family time!

  3. Looks like a wonderful holiday. I can't believe it's so hot there when we are happy this morning that it's only -11!

  4. It looks as if you had a cool time!

    Lovely photos.

  5. Oh what a lovely holiday - sounds perfect to me. How nice that there was water to cool off in during the day and I loved looking at the animal photos .... glad you had a good time away.

  6. I love mogo zoo. We go there when we camp at Pebbly Beach not to far away from there.


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