Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A little quilty something

Unlike in Canada, the US and Europe, where it's been a 'tad chilly', it's been outrageously hot here in Australia's capital. So hot that I daren't take the children outside as they'd dehydrate before my eyes, especially Tristan. So we've been going a bit stir crazy, bunkering down inside where the airconditioning does its valiant best to keep us cool.
In between entertaining Romily and Tristan, I managed to find a bit of time to design the next cot quilt. It's going to have 12 feature squares from the Tula Pink Forest Moon range (which, sadly you can't get anymore - a couple of stores have bits and pieces but there's very little yardage or FQs to be had). Fortunately I grabbed a 5" charm pack when I saw it! The feature pieces will be bordered by white on white and then chocolate brown with a cream fleck, then sashed with the white on white, with a narrow border on the sides and a big fat border top and bottom of the same white. I think it will be very clean and modern but also a little whimsical with the jumping fish, bunnies and squirrels tucked away in several of the designs.

Despite feeling way too hot to sit next to my hot sewing machine, I think I might persevere tonight and get the blocks pieced.
Easy peasy piecing is about all I can manage at the moment. Tristan has been having shocking nights - up to four feeds a night has been doing my head in and rendering me next to useless during the day. Fortunately we discovered why on Sunday! He cut his first tooth. I can't believe my not-quite-five-months-old bubba has his first tooth! I am trying not to despair at the loss of the gummy smile on my last baby :)

He is very beautiful, which makes the sleepless nights and grumpy days just about bearable!


  1. Sounds lovely and I look forward to seeing how it starts to come together. Tristan is gorgeous!

  2. He's cuter every time you post a picture! He looks happy to have that tooth through too!

  3. What lovely photos of Tristan - I'm sorry he's having a hard time with that tooth. I think I should come and visit - this cold weather is finally getting to me. Hope you get some sewing done - love the look of the fabrics.

  4. I love the fabrics togetehr, adn your design. Actually, I like their current layout, with half chocolate background, and half cream! And that little boy is positively delicious!

  5. your quilt is looking great - love the colours. Tristan is growing up so fast too - very cute

  6. Now that is stunning fabric! Such a pity that they disappear after such a short time. Tristan looks like such a happy boy, but teething is never fun. My son had 8 teeth by six months, you can imagine the dramas, they all came out in the one week!

  7. That peek-a-boo picture through the baby gym is just adorable

  8. Anonymous9:30 pm

    OMG he has changed heaps. (Loosing some of his hair too??). With the first photo i thought now who is she posting photos of nephew? He is just GORGEOUS!!!!

  9. That pict of T looking up at you as if to say Hey Mum is just so sweet! Loving the colours in your next cot quilt too. :)

  10. I can't believe how fast he's growing. He's going to be a heart breaker.

  11. Hurray for Tristan’s second tooth!!
    What a sweet little guy!

    Love the fabrics and the colours you picked!!


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