Friday, January 23, 2009


We've been having some wild and woolly weather here lately! Hot, hot days followed by electrical storms at night. We had a short but frenetic storm last night that left several of Canberra's northern suburbs without power overnight. Fortunately we were unaffected, although I did have to put a towel down at the base of our front door to stop the water blowing in!
We had quite a hail storm here on Wednesday. It was so loud! I managed to snap a few photos - including one showing the size of the hailstones.
Oh, and Tristan's second tooth is through!


  1. wow - we never got hail. I tried to photograph the weird green light during last night's storm, but couldn't do it.

  2. You want storms! Come to France! Seems to me the weather decides to throw a wobbly every 10 years!


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