Monday, June 02, 2008

Full moon rising?

Or maybe this post should be called 'look away if you're squeamish'!

I thought it was about time I shared my belly with you all :) Since I took that photo on Saturday my belly button has well and truly 'popped'! Romily thinks poking and squishing it is hilarious fun. So here we are at 30 weeks - only 10 to go. People are starting to ask when I'm due - some look genuinely shocked when I say not for another 10 weeks. I don't think I look that big...yet!This was me last time, pregnant with Romily at about 30 weeks - the bump is about the same size, so we're on track for another 8 pound plus baby :) (I wasn't so brave last time as to reveal all!)


  1. Alex was just over 5 lbs and that was bad enough! Funny how fashions change. When I was pregnant you hid the bump. Now you show it off!

  2. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Looking good! I so wish I had taken photographs when I was pregnant. Things really have changed in a short time and I love that you can be pregnant and proudly show of your bump.

  3. Lily I don't think you look big at all, I'm three weeks further along than you and my bump looks huge by comparison!

  4. My DIL was so huge that she literally couldn't go through a door sideways. Of course she had ten to twelve pound babies. Your size is much easier. I think You are at the stage now where you just cant wait to meet the new baby.

  5. oh look at that belly - I was massive and baden was 8lb! I seriously thought he was going to be a ten pounder lol!

    good luck with the rest of the pregnancy - it is really just growing from here on isnt it - Romily must be getting excited

  6. What a gorgeous baby belly!

    I dont think you are that big at all, but definitly on target for an 8lb bubs.

  7. Aww, too cute! You are making me clucky.. cluck cluck..

  8. You look just about right Lily - hopefully your last ten weeks won't be quite so exhausting

  9. Pretty Belly Lily! Wonderful pregnant women can show their bellies these days. Hope your last ten weeks of pregnancy will go smoothly..!

  10. you look awesome and imo, you look TINY for 30 wks. Way to go!


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