Saturday, May 31, 2008

No sewing, but a little something to show anyway

I recently made another onesie appliqué set for my cousin and his wife, who've recently had a baby boy called Oscar. I'm not quite so thrilled with how these turned out - I think the design might have been a bit too small and the fabric too busy. Live and learn I guess. There's a car appliquéd to each side of the's getting colder here by the day.

Had a reasonable day today. Went to the National Gallery to see the Turner to Monet exhibition before it closes next weekend. It was jam-packed with people so trying to negotiate the exibit with a pram was not fun. Romily and I ended up leaving early and wandered around the rest of the gallery while Carl had a good look. I went back later for my turn - there were far fewer people, so it was much better.
As you can see, we have a budding artist in the family. Just kidding, but isn't she just a picture of concentration?

Might even get the sewing machine out tonight. Need to do more appliquéd onesies and some booties for a friend who's had yet another baby boy, Archer. Might also do some for my bub :) Will just do simple (and larger) appliqués this time. The booties will be cute though.

Hopefully tomorrow I can decide on the butterfly block I want to use for the Hungry Caterpillar quilts and start working out fabrics and cutting. My guess is that I won't get any piecing done until next weekend, but that's okay, as it's a long weekend! I am taking the Friday off as well, so I will enjoy a four-day weekend. Sounds like bliss to me :)


  1. You can't start them on the road to art too soon.
    Enjoy your long weekend.

  2. Agree with Joyce. You can never start them early enough.

    Have a great long weekend.

  3. Well, I think the appliqued cars look great!

  4. Romily’s drawing would be a wonderful applique too! Love the concentration!


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