Monday, March 10, 2008

A tiny little bit of quilty goodness

It's been well over a week since I posted - a combination of too much work, not enough sleep, pregnancy and, to top it all off, a bout of gastro.

Poor Romily was sick on Monday night and then Carl and I came down with her bug in the early hours of Friday morning. I haven't been that sick for a long time and it really hit me hard. I'm all recovered now, but not a stitch has been sewn in this house since last weekend. I just haven't had the energy for it.

Last weekend I did manage to finish my 'housewarming' block for Bonnie, as per Tonya's invitation to the world of Blog. I'll get it and my piece of 'ugly' fabric (a challenge for Bonnie also from Tonya!) in the post this week. I hope it's not too late by the time it finally reaches its North Carolina destination.

It's probably a bit loud in comparison to some of the blocks Bonnie's been receiving - maybe she can use this one as a lesson in not enough contrast for her students! I obviously wasn't thinking straight when I made the door red - the colour blends in to the background, even though it's a patterned fabric. Ah well, lesson learned!

The 'ugly' fabric was one I picked up when I was making the Wonky Geese quilt for Campbell. It's okay used small, I guess, but I just can't see myself using it!

I also went along this week to my first Canberra Quilters' meeting. Fortunately I have a quilting buddy from work who signed up too, as I didn't know anyone else in the room, although my quilting teachers from February are members, as is Sue Chisholm, who taught the beginner patchwork class I took way back in 2005.

We had a long weekend this weekend, which was great, as I spent most of Saturday recuperating from Friday's illness. My parents arrived late on Friday (to discover both Carl and I looking ghostly) and spent the weekend with us, which was lovely, albeit a little quiet! We did manage an outing to the Australian National Botanic Gardens and to the National Archives. We had beautiful weather, so it was good to outside for a bit of fresh air.Romily just adores 'Grandma and Huppa' and they love her to bits. She had a great time and it was wonderful for me to have them to entertain each other while Carl and I recovered completely!
I wish we lived closer (they're in Melbourne), but we don't, so we really appreciate them driving all the way up here to see us. Fortunately we'll be able to see them again at Easter, as we're heading down to Bendigo for a few days with Carl's dad. Bendigo is two hours from Melbourne, so we should be able to squeeze in a family visit.
Looking forward to three short weeks in a row - I'm finding that I'm struggling a bit with fulltime work and being four months pregnant - imagine what it'll be like in three months time! I am also in the running for a three-month acting director position at work, which I'd love to do - it's in an area I'm keen to move in to, so it would be a real feather in my cap to get the temporary position - although a lot more work. It's a double-edged sword, but it's something I'd really love to do. Fingers crossed!

Fingers crossed too that I get a bit more sleep and energy this week, so I can finally start piecing the top for the disappearing 9-patch I'm making. It's all cut - now I just need to sew!

Have a good week!

Lazy Gal Quilting: Housewarming Party for Bonnie


  1. I'll be thinking good thoughts that you get the temporary position at work - wow, what an opportunity! Sorry you've been sick .....

  2. The wonky house looks great Lily! I'll be watching Tonya's blog to see it arrive!

  3. Your 'quilting buddy from work' loves your blog! I can't believe I didn't know the story about you and Carl (wow girl, impressive!) Can't wait to see your disappearing 9 patch.

  4. Good luck for the acting position.

  5. Wooo hoo great news re the job! Really hope you do ok. Bonnie's house is great and I think I agreee with you about the ugly vbs.

    Take care of you.

  6. Whee, that's a great house block - I don't think that's too loud at all. oooh, and that really is ugly fabric.

  7. Thank you Thank you!!! The house block, batik, and the beautiful card of the tapestry arrived today, and it was just what I needed! ;cD

    I can't thank you enough, and it will be fun to see how everyone's "house warming" blocks will fit in my quilt!



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