Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year!

Well it only comes around every four years, so it's worth a post don't you think? Haven't posted for a while...have been feeling wrung out this week. Have had a long, hard week at work, so am very pleased the weekend is here.

We had a really busy weekend last weekend. First up was a pirate-themed birthday party for the three-year old daughter of one of my friends. I made Romily's first dress-up outfit - she loved it!
I also made part of Charlotte's birthday present - my take on the pencil roll. But with wind-up crayons instead. I had to rescue it from one of the other party guests - who took quite a liking to it and tucked it under his arm, ready to abscond!
The party was lots of fun and all the kids particularly enjoyed the treasure hunt.

Later that day we took Romily to the Canberra Show, where she enjoyed checking out all the animals, received her first showbag and had her first go on one of the rides!
Many of my blogging buddies have been talking about the change in seasons and the long-awaited arrival of spring. We're just starting to see the opposite down under, with the first leaves starting to turn, signalling the arrival of autumn (fall for you North Americans!). We've had our first cold nights and morning dew and the first hot air balloons of the year are up in the morning sky.

We've been having some amazing weather to go with the seasonal shift - spotting these two amazing sights out of our windows during this past week:


  1. Stunning photos of nature and your adorable little girl! Strange to think of our worlds being upside down! Lots of Spring signs overhere, A heavy storm and rain predicted for the next couple of days however...

  2. Well now, that is just the cutest little pirate I have ever seen! The 2nd photo is adorable. Great job on the pencil holder - aren't they wonderful gifts? Take care of yourself.

  3. Those clouds are wow! Have you got a tripod or just a very steady hand?

    I adore the pencil roll. Can't remember where the pattern is. Can you remind me please?

  4. Wonderful pirate outfit, and I love the crayon roll too. You did a great job getting photos at the show!

  5. Love the nature pics - stunning. I am a big fan of the wind up crayons rolls - love the fabric you used. And what a gorgeous pirate - she looks like she loves the outfit too.

  6. Love your cloud pictures! What a gorgeous sky! Romily is adorable in her costume. You're a very clever mum.

  7. Your little Pirate looks like she's having fun - isn't she lucky that her Mum can sew? I agree with you about the weather - roll on Autumn I say. The nights are no longer hot here, which is good enough for me! I have also noticed the afternoon shadows are lengthening. My favourite time of the day in autumn winter and spring.


Thanks for stopping by!