Friday, October 19, 2007


Our beautiful Bashka was spooked on Tuesday by a man with a leaf blower, bolted and we haven't seen him since. While he does spend quite a few hours outside every day, he's never been outside at night. We are quite worried about him and have been upset over the past few days at the thought of him never coming home. Fortunately Romily is too young to have been really attached to him, so is not asking about him. It's her sooky parents who are upset. We have put up flyers around the neighbourhood and contacted the RSPCA. He's microchipped, so if he does turn up somewhere, we should be contacted. We've also been out looking for him, but no sign. We haven't lost all hope yet, but it's not looking good.


  1. Anonymous8:07 am

    Lily I hope that Bashka is home safely soon.

  2. Hope Bashka comes home soon. xx

  3. He's gorgeus; I hope you get him back soon.

  4. I really hope Bashka finds his way back home!!!

  5. Oh Lily. I'm so sorry. I really hope he does turn up. When our 2 disappear for more than 24 hours I get in a state and can't sleep. Have you looked/called in neighbours gardens?

  6. Anonymous5:56 pm

    Hopefully he is just roaming trying to find a mate. He'll be home and maybe with a few battle scars, but have faith.

  7. Just as a thought - he's not got accidentally locked into someone's shed or garage at all has he? I hope you find him soon (((hugs)))

  8. Praying your sweet Bashka will come home safely and soon.

  9. (((hugs))) I hope Baskka will be found soon.

  10. Oh dear, I hope he comes home safe and well soon.

  11. Oh Lily he's so beautiful. I hope he's found his way home.


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