Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bashka Update

We had a call from our neighbour last night...she spotted Bashka, who is alive and well and apparently in cahoots with another male cat (not neutered) which has just moved into our development. The little buggers have formed a 'posse' and are roaming the neighbourhood! I don't know which house the new cat belongs too, but I suspect they leave their cat's food outside and Bashka has been eating that. Their cat is allowed to roam day and night and Bashka has taken up with him apparently.

My goodness, this is like a glimpse into the future when Romily is a teenager!

So we are no longer sad, but a little angry that our beloved pet has gone bush! So we are moving into Plan B, which is to lure Bashka back and separate from his new feline friend. If we can get our hands on him, Bashka won't be going outside again for little while!

In the midst of all of this, I've been doing a little sewing. Some handquilting on a little project and some work on the romper for baby A. I 'just' have to put the zip in, bind the neck and sew the snap tape along the crotch seam. Hopefully I can knock it over today and get it in the post tomorrow.


  1. I am glad to hear that Bashka is spotted. You will need something even more delicious than his feline friend to lure him back. I hope your little girl will tell her mummy about her where-abouts, but no doubt you will have some sleepeless nights when she grows up!

  2. uh oh those crazy kids...I mean cats....hope Bashka comes home soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cute shades too!

  3. Cats and kids! It's the friends they keep that matters. Lol. Cute sunnies.

  4. I'm so glad Bashka has been found; good luck luring him back now! James has those same sunnies in blue from our skiing trip last year; he loves them!

  5. Oh Phew! At least the little rascal has been seen, even though he is pretending to be a fully paid up member of the "he man" club! All you need is a night of rain and he'll be back - betcha!

  6. I'm glad he's okay and not gone to the great kitty heaven in the sky - typical cat though - any port in a storm


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