Friday, June 08, 2007

Yes that is indeed lipstick

Okay, so when you hear the words 'more cream, more cream' and you forgot to put your handbag away out of reach, you had better be worried.

Yes that is indeed lipstick.

She looks so proud of herself, the little minx! She wasn't actually trying to put on lipstick, but face cream. I guess all those tubes look the same.

This is the third time. You would have thought that mummy would have learned her lesson by now...apparently I am a slow learner. Fortunately it was a freebie lipstick that was trashed this time.

Romily is going through a real 'I want to be like mummy' phase - she tries my shoes on all the time, tries to put my stockings on, wears my clothes, including scarves, gloves and hats, wants to wear my beads/jewellery and is always after me to put cream on her face. She's not even two yet!

No stitching this week, although I did wash and iron the fabric for the softies. I will try to get this project underway this weekend.

We have a long weekend here starting tomorrow - it's the official celebration of the Queen's birthday - yes the Queen of England is also the Queen of Australia. We all bless her majesty on the second Monday in June, for we get the day off! Her real birthday is in April, but the public holiday actually has nothing to do with that! It's to celebrate the monarch's birthday, whenever their actual birthday may fall! Trust Australians to find a holiday where there's none!


  1. We do the Queen's birthday in May. Whatever it takes to get a holiday! Lol.
    Romily looks quite rosy in that picture. At least she didn't paint the walls with it as my grandson did with his Mum's green permanent acrylic paint. They look so cute when they've done something like that it's hard to be angry.

  2. She'll have a red cheek for a few days! Reds alway last. Hide it in a zipper section, and maybe she won't be able to get at it.

  3. She will be 14 before you know it!!!

  4. Yes, God Bless her Majesty this weekend. Apparently it's not in April as there are too many other holidays around then, and it's so nice to break up a term of few breaks!
    I'm sorting my house and giving myself little blog reading rewards!
    My DD and Ds got into my lipsticks on a regular basis, normally because i always had one in the car console and they'd get them! jolly hard to get off car seats, as is sunscreen for future reference!!!
    I always iron my quilts before they go as well, makes them look nicer! Tracey

  5. Oh I remember those days too well. DD attacked a very precious bottle of perfume when she was 3 - the room reeked of Ysatis for weeks. I have never forgotten and neither has she. My Clarins lipstick disappeared at the same time, only to resurface some days later empty! Never did find out what happened to it.

    God bless Her Majesty indeed. Funny that you have a holiday to celebrate her official birthday. They don't in the UK so perhaps they should!


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