Sunday, June 03, 2007

Early birthday present!

My birthday is coming up in a big rush (in a couple of weeks) and I was browsing around today in Blogland and came across Ottobre, which I've often heard of, but have never actually seen. I was so impressed with what I saw, that I subscribed!! An early b'day present from moi!

Some of the projects in the latest edition are stunning and I have such a desire to sew, sew, sew for my gorgeous Romily that I can never have enough inspiration!

Some of you asked me why I iron my quilts before I present them! I guess it's just to even out any bumps the formed in the washing machine and to make sure the binding is sitting flat and nice before I wrap them up as presents. No one ever told me to - I just thought it might look nice :)

I don't have the iron very hot and I don't 'squish' the quilt flat, just smooth out the top really.


  1. That is a gorgeous magazine cover - I can see why you're inspired to sew for that sweet little angel of yours. My Sweetie Pie is almost 8 and she is now "telling" me what she wants to wear and what she wants me to sew. No more making decisions for her without her - LOL.

  2. Mmmm might have to look this one up.
    Suzie Sews

  3. Ohhh yes,Lily, Ottobre is a great and beautiful magazin, ideas and very nice models for children.You will find many projects to dress Romily :)))) Have a great week :))))

  4. The dress on the cover is gorgeous. I can just see Romilly in that next summer. Hoep you are having a good week.

  5. Hugs and kisses from Portugal!

  6. that cover makes me want to subscribe too even though sewing clothes scares me! I hope you'll be posted all your projects and the gorgeous Romily wearing them!


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