Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Smoochy smoochy

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Today is also our 3rd wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary honey!

I just had a flick through our wedding photos and picked out a few (one or two!) to share.

Awwww, smoochy, smoochy :)


  1. Happy Anniversary. I love your dress.

  2. Happy Anno, Lily,

    What a lovely couple you make...thanks for sharing the photos. And belated Happy Birthday to Carl, too...

  3. Happy Anniversary Lily - here's to many more! It seems a while ago since our 3rd (15 just gone on 11th January) but I've no doubt there are lots of other girls who look in who have been married much longer

  4. Congratulations Lily, here's to many more. The wedding day looks so beautiful and your dress is stunning - what a great colour!

  5. Anonymous10:30 am

    Happy Anniversary, Lily (and Mr.)!! What lovely photos you've shared. Your dress was beautiful!

  6. I still love your dress every time I see it! Happy Anniversary!!! Also wanted to say that I just love the new family member too. What a beautiful boy he is!!

  7. Happy Anniversary, Lily! We just celebrated our 25th on the 16th. Your wedding pictures are beautiful. I can't get over how big Romily has grown! I must check in more often :)

  8. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Gorgeous dress! I love it! Great pictures, too. Did you have a professional? That is one thing I really regret!
    Your daughter is beautiful in her new sunglasses.
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. Happy Anniversary, Lily! Wonderfull!!!


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